New Mute ‘Photophore’ and Mira ‘Wavelength’ bundles hit the Rainbow Six Siege store

Sadnan Nafis
By Sadnan Nafis
1 Min Read
Image: Ubisoft

Ubisoft has released a new batch of Rainbow Six Siege cosmetic bundles for the two defending operators – Mute and Mira.

Both the new bundles have a purplish tone and a sleek design, and you might not want to miss them.

The Mira ‘Wavelength‘ Cosmetic Bundle contains:

  • Planktonic Light uniform
  • Light-Bearer headgear
  • Fire Waves weapon skin for the Vector .45 and ITA12S

On the other side, the Mute ‘Photophore’ Bundle includes:

Image captured in-game
  • Firefly Squid uniform
  • Cephalopod headgear
  • Photoprotein weapon skin for the MP5K and SMG-11

Both the cosmetic bundles are available separately in the Rainbow Six Siege in-game store. It will cost you 1200 R6 Credits each, fortunately, you can also buy them with 50,000 renown.

Some players might refuse to buy any bright and colourful, as player models become easier to spot against the background. However, if you have the ability to land those spicy headshots, then just equip some good-looking cosmetic items and show it off on your enemies.

By Sadnan Nafis Senior FPS Writer
Sadnan Nafis is a Senior Esports Writer at GameRiv. Sadnan has a love-hate relationship with Rainbow Six Siege. He loves to keep himself updated with new tech videos and is always ready to help others.