With the release of season 5 of Apex Legends, some part of the Kings Canyon map was overhauled.
Along with some changes to the location like Scull town, Thunderdome, etc, some bunkers were also added to the map. What these bunkers are intended for were still a mystery until the recent leaks. The leak finally revealed more information regarding when these bunkers might open and more.
Shrugtal one of the most reliable Apex Legends data miner recently revealed more interesting details such as release dates and big-ticket loot spawns for the upcoming event. According to Shrugtal, from June 16, we will start to see these bunkers open in Kings Canyon map one after another. And it will continue on until July 14th.
Although keep in mind that these dates are leaks and should be taken with a grain of salt. With all the things happening all around the world, Respawn might not be able to follow through with these dates.
Bunkers will be the new hot drop location
All of these bunkers might have deep ties to the upcoming quests. From what we know so far from all the previous quest leaks, we are currently getting a piece of Ash’s head as an artifact every week. Therefore at the end of all the quest, we should all have all the necessary parts to build Ash’s head.
Apparently these bunkers will also feature gold weapons. And according to the leaker, all of these bunkers will have slightly different types of items like ammo, heals, weapon attachments, etc.
Seem like after these bunkers will be available to enter, these locations will have similar drop rates like a hot zone. And these areas will be contested heavily for their legendary loots. On that note, these bunkers might also be a part of the next event called “Treasure Hunter“.