Riot to add the brand new features for the Practice Tool in the upcoming Patch.
League of Legends is a game that is notoriously hard to master. The game boasts over 160 champions, each with their unique abilities, hundreds of items, tons of unique mechanics, and so on. Mastering these champions and mechanics takes time, some hours, and some even weeks.
That’s why, in 2017, Riot introduced the Practice Tool. The feature allowed players to test out items, builds, and champions and master them in a single-player environment. Whenever players wanted to try out a new champion mechanic, they could hop into Practice Tool and easily test it.
However, one of the problems players had with the practice tool was the lack of options or features. Compared to other games, especially fighting games, League’s practice tool felt bare bones. But, as time went on, Riot started adding more and more features to it, resulting in what it is today. Though it is not perfect, it’s functional.
Having said that, Riot recently announced that even more new features will be added to the practice tool. In addition, some of these announced features are already in the PBE servers for testing.
So, let’s go over these features and see how they affect the functionality of the Practice Tool.
More Featured Added In Practice Tool
Three brand-new features will be added to the Practice Tool. These are Create A Spell Shield, Copy Inventory To Target, and Grant Status Effect to Target. Though their functions are pretty self-explanatory, I’ll still be giving a brief rundown of what they do.
Create A Spell Shield

The Create A Spell Shield grants a Spell Shield a target. With this option, you can give a Spell shield to both yourself and the target dummy.
This is a fantastic option for discovering different interactions between champion abilities and Spell Shield. For example, how does Samira R interact with Spell Shields? How should you play against Spell Shields? You can now test these without waiting for Edge of Night or Banshee’s Vail to come off cooldown.
Copy Inventory To Target

Giving items to either Bots or Target Dummies has been one of the most requested features for the Practice Tool, and now Riot is finally adding it.
With this feature, players will no longer have to manually add Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance to Target Dummies. Players can now straight out hand out items. Moreover, players will be able to test out how defensive items affect damage output.
Grant Status Effect to Target

With this option, players can create or remove statuses from target champions. These statuses rotate between Invulnerable, Silenced, Rooted, Stunned, and Blinded.
Compared to the other options, it is not that useful, but it has some uses, especially for testing out some fun and goofy stuff.
Release Date
The new features for Practice Tool will be coming to live servers on Patch 14.2, which will be released on Wednesday, January 24, 2024.