LoL Soul Fighter Shaco Skin: Prestige Edition, Splash Art, Price & Release Date

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
3 Min Read
Image Credits: Riot Games

Riot has revealed the upcoming champion receiving a prestige skin, Soul Fighter Shaco.

During summer, we get a new event in League of Legends. And with those events, Riot adds new and exciting content to the game. So this summer won’t be an exception.

Not too long ago, Riot announced this summer event’s name, Soul Fighter. Additionally, Riot would also add many unique contents to the game that they didn’t add in the prior summer event. Some of these new additions include a new game mode called Arena, a new metagame, and a ton of new skins, including one ultimate skin.

In terms of new skins, Riot announced ten new Soul Fighters skins. And two of the Soul Fighter skin would get a prestige edition. One is Soul Fighter Pyke, and the other is Soul Fighter Shaco.

Shaco was one of the earliest champions released in the game. Due to it, his base model and most of his older skins did not age well. However, his newer skins from 2015 onward are very high quality.

Now speaking of his Soul Fighter skin, this is undoubtedly one of his best skin. Compared to his base canon model, which is very clunky, and his canon lore, which is non-existent, Soul Fighter feels like a completely different champion. In this universe, Shaco is a kind of psycho who has telekinesis. From his model and splash art, while his hands are tied, he can still wield his daggers with his powers.

In terms of his prestige skin, it is not as impressive as his base Soul Fighter skin. But as it is Shaco’s first prestige skin, it does scream demon jester in many ways.

Read more: LoL Soul Fighter Skins.

Soul Fighter Shaco

Splash Art

Soul Fighter Shaco

soul fighter shaco
Image Credits: Riot Games

Prestige Soul Fighter Shaco

prestige soul fighter shaco
Image Credits: Riot Games


Soul Fighter Shaco Price

The regular edition of this skin will be of epic rarity. Thus it will cost 1350 RP.

Prestige Edition Price

The Prestige edition of this skin will cost 2000 Event Tokens and will be event pass exclusive.

Soul Fighter Shaco Release Date

The second batch of Soul Fighter skins will release on patch 13.15, scheduled for Thursday, August 3, 2023.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.