LoL Soul Fighter Jhin Skin: Splash Art, Price & Release Date

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
2 Min Read
Image Credits: Riot Games

Riot has revealed the upcoming Jhin skin, Soul Fighter Jhin, which will release on patch 13.15.

Since earlier this year, Riot has been exciting the summer update. While they didn’t reveal any relevant information at the time, they assured fans that it would be one of the biggest updates we have received in League of Legends in recent years.

And not too long ago, Riot revealed the summer 2023 event, Soul Fighter. This event would include more unique content compared to prior summer events. Some of the new additions include a new ultimate skin, a new arena game mode, a new metagame, and a ton of new skins.

In terms of skins, Riot has announced ten new Soul Fighters skins. And one of them is the Soul Fighter Jhin.

Since his release in 2016, Jhin has been one of the most beloved champions in the game. Due to it, all of his skins are high quality. And Soul Fighter skin is no exception.

The Soul Fighter skin is one of the better ones in terms of VFX. In-game, it shows more stylized, cell-shaded visuals similar to the Inkshadow skins. Additionally, during his ult, the sound effect is also incredible.

However, this new skin is not the best Jhin skin, as Dark Cosmic Jhin exists and is legendary. But as an epic, Soul Fighter skin is an excellent pick-up.

Read more: LoL Soul Fighter Shaco Skin + Prestige Edition.

Soul Fighter Jhin

Splash Art

soul fighter jhin
Image Credits: Riot Games


The Soul Fighter Jhin will be an epic skin. So it will cost 1350 RP.

Soul Fighter Jhin Release Date

The Soul Fighter Jhin skin will release alongside the second batch of the Soul Fighters skins, which will release on patch 13.15. Additionally, it is scheduled to be released on Thursday, August 3, 2023.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.