League of Legends patch 12.2 will include Lethal Tempo and Tahm Kench changes, Janna mini-rework, Sona and Vayne VFX, multiple skin lines, and more.
League of Legends season 12 has finally started with new dragons, objective bounties, teleport changes, and more. Although patch 12.1 was relatively small because of the holidays, the upcoming patch 12.2 seems to be the first major patch of 2022.
Both Janna and Rengar changes that were delayed in the last patch are making their way into patch 12.2. Moreover, Tahm Kench is getting a massive update to his ultimate, which should make him more viable in the support role.
After many speculations, season 12’s second patch, patch 12.2, will also introduce the new ADC champion Zeri – The Spark of Zaun.
Eight champions: Nocturne, Volibear, Yasuo, Yone, Veigar, Tristana, Senna, and Samira are getting buffs on patch 12.2. On top of that, soloq dominant champions like Shen, Talon, Qiyana, Lulu, and Zed are seeing some significant nerfs.
And here’s everything you need to know about LoL patch 12.2 notes.
LoL Patch 12.2 Release Date
League of Legends season 12 patch 12.2 will release on Thursday, January 20, 2022.
LoL Patch 12.2 release time and server maintenance:
- NA: 3:00 AM PT
- EUW: 5:00 UK time
- EUNE: 3:00 CET
New Champion – Zeri

Passive – Living Battery
Zeri gains Move Speed whenever she receives a shield. When she damages an enemy shield, she absorbs its energy, shielding herself.
Q – Burst Fire
- Passive: Zeri’s basic attack deals magic damage, scales with AP, and is treated as an ability. Moving and casting Burst Fire stores up energy in Zeri’s Sparkpack. When fully charged, her next basic attack will slow and deal bonus damage.
- Active: Burst Fire shoots a burst of 7 rounds that deal physical damage to the first enemy hit.
Burst Fire scales with AD and is treated like an attack, with the first round applying on-hit effects. Its cooldown matches Zeri’s basic attack timer.
W – Ultrashock Laser
Zeri fires an electric pulse that slows and damages the first enemy hit. If the pulse hits a wall, it fires a long-range laser from the point of impact.
E – Spark Surge
Zeri dashes a short distance and energizes her next 3 casts of Burst Fire, causing them to pierce through enemies. She will vault over or grind along any terrain she dashes into, depending on the angle. Hitting a champion with an attack or ability reduces Spark Surge’s cooldown.
R – Lightning Crash
Zeri discharges a nova of electricity, damaging nearby enemies, and overcharges herself for a moderate duration. While overcharged, Zeri gains increased damage, Attack Speed, and Move Speed. Attacking enemy champions refreshes the overcharge duration and adds another stack of Move Speed. While overcharged, Burst Fire’s damage concentrates into a faster triple shot that chains lightning between enemies.
Champion Adjustments
- R: Rengar can now leap when Camouflaged.

Tahm Kench
- Q:
- Slow increased from 40% to 50%
- E:
- Grey Health: 45/50/55/60/65% >>> 15/25/35/45/55%, increased to 45/50/55/60/65% if there are two or more nearby visible enmies (Dead or Alive)
- Grey HP to HP: 30-100% lvls >>> 45-100% lvls 1-18
- R:
- Shield: 400/500/600 (+100% AP) >>> 500/700/900 (+150% AP)
- Ally Cast: Slows Kench for 30/20/10% >>> Grants Kench 40% Move Speed for 3 seconds
- Base stats:
- Move speed: 315 >>> 330
- AD: 46 + 1.5/lvl >>> 52 + 3/lvl
- Q:
- Mana Cost: 60-140 >>> 60-100
- Min Range: 1000 >>> 1100
- Max Range: 1750 >>> 1760
- Travel Time: 1.5s >>> 1.25s
- Investigating: adding an indicator that shows Janna’s team where Q will go (might not work)
- Base stats:
- Attack Range: 550 >>> 500
- Passive:
- Janna gains 8% Move Speed >>> Janna gains 8% Move Speed while moving towards allies
- [REMOVED] Janna’s attacks and W no longer deal bonus Magic Damage based on her bonus Move Speed
- W:
- Range: 550 (Edge to Edge) >>> 650 (center to center)
- Slow Duration: 2s >>> 3s
- Cooldown: 8-6s >>> 12s
- Damage: 55-175 >>> 70-190
- Passive Move Speed: 6-10% >>> 8-12%
- E:
- Cooldown: 16-12 >>> 15-9
- Time before shield decays: 0.75 >>> 1.25s
- Shield amount: 80-220+.7AP >>> 80-200 (+.65 AP)
- CC’ing an enemy champion with a spell reduces E’s cooldown by 20% >>> Impairing an enemy champion’s movement grants 20% heal and shield power for 5 seconds.
- R:
- Healing tick rate: 0.5 >>> 0.25
- Total healing remains the same
Champion Buffs
- Base stats:
- HP/lvl: 85 >>> 95
- Q:
- AD Ratio: 75% >>> 85%
- Base stats:
- AD/lvl: 3 >>> 3.5
- E:
- Cooldown: 15 >>> 13s
- Q:
- AD Ratio: 100% >>> 105%
- Q:
- AD Ratio: 100% >>> 105%
- Q:
- Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 >>> 6/5.5/5/4.5/4
- Stacks from Large Minions/Monsters: 2 >>> 3
- Base stats:
- HP: 559 >>> 600
- HP Regen: 3.75 >>> 4
- Q:
- Now slows enemies by 20%(+6%/100AP)(+10%/100BAD) for 2s
- R:
- Damage per bullet: 0/10/20 (+50% AD) >>> 5/15/25 (+50% AD)
Champion Nerfs
- Q:
- Increased Q damage: 5/5.5/6/6.5/7% >>> 4/4.5/5/5.5/6% Target’s Max HP
- W:
- Bonus Monster Damage: 130% >>> 105%
- Grass Zone Duration: 3.5 >>> 3s
- HP Regen: 7.5 >>> 6
- W:
- Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12s >>> 17/16/15/14/13s
- R:
- Base Damage: 100% AD >>> 65% AD
Item Buffs
Lich Bane
- Haste: 0 >>> 15
- Spellblade damage: 150% base AD (+40% AP) >>> 75% base AD (+50% AP)
- Cooldown: 2.5s >>> 1.5s
- Build Path Changed
- Cost: 3000 >>> 2600
- AP: 90 >>> 75
- Health: 350 >>> 400
System Nerfs
Lethal Tempo
- Attack Speed Per Stack: Melee 13% >>> 10-15% / Ranged 7% >>> 5-9%
Hextech Soul
- Damage: 25-75 >>> 25-50
Chemtech Soul
- Zombie Bleedout Time: 4s >>> 3s
- Zombie Health: 80% Base + 50% Bonus >>> 70% Base + 40% Bonus
Chemtech Terrian
- OOC Recamo Timer: 1.5s >>> 2.5s
- Always Camo on Zone Enter >>> Respect OOC Time
- Damage Amp: up to 10% >>> up to 12%
VFX Updates
Similar to previous VFX updates like Syndra, Zilean, Malzahar, etc., Vayne is also getting a Visual Effects (VFX) on patch 12.2.
Sona is also getting a VFX update similar to Vayne on League of Legends patch 12.2.
Patch 12.2 Skins
Riot has announced four skin lines for the upcoming patch in celebration of the Chinese New Year. All the skins will be part of the Lunar 2022 event, including two Prestige skins.
Crystal Rose
Crystal Rose Janna

Crystal Rose Akshan

Withered Rose
Withered Rose Elise

Withered Rose Zeri
Porcelain Amumu

Porcelain Kindred

Porcelain Lissandra

Porcelain Ezreal – Legendary

Porcelain Lux

Porcelain Lux Prestige Edition

Firecracker 2022
Firecracker Diana

Firecracker Teemo

Firecracker Tristana

Firecracker Xin Zhao

Firecracker Sett