LoL Coven 2021 Event: Pass, Missions, Milestones, Rewards, Loot, Dates, and More

Ali Ahmed Akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib
11 Min Read
Image: Riot Games

League of Legends Coven 2021 Event is here with a new pass, missions, skins, one for all mode, and much more.

After the successful Lunar Beast, Space Groove, PROJECT, and Sentinels of Light event, Riot has officially revealed the fifth event of the year, the Coven 2021 event. The new event is going to feature the Legendary Coven Evelynn and the Coven Prestige Edition LeBlanc skin.

While Ashe, Cassiopeia, and Ahri are getting the Coven skins, the Old Gods have awakened with the new Malphite and Warwick skin.

Here’s everything you need to know about League of Legends’ new Coven 2021 event.

Coven 2021 Event Start and End Date

The Coven 2021 event has started on August 12, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. PT and the event is going to end on September 13, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. PT.

Although the Event is going to end on September 13th, players will be able to use their Tokens until September 28, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. PT.

Coven 2021 Event Pass

Just like the previous events, League of Legends players will be able to buy the Coven pass with 1650 RP. After purchasing the event pass, players will get four Coven 2021 Orbs, and 200 Coven 2021 Tokens.

The Coven 2021 event is also going to have a Pass Bundle as well, which will cost 2650 RP. With the Pass Bundle, players will get four Coven 2021 Orbs, and 200 Coven 2021 Tokens, the Coven LeBlanc Icon, Coven LeBlanc Skin, and LeBlanc Champion.

Missions and Rewards

The Coven 2021 event has separate missions for players with the pass and players without the pass.

Milestone Missions (Pass Required)

The following objectives and rewards apply to matchmade games only. Coven Milestone Missions can only be completed in order, 1 – 20, by completing the previous objective. 

About objective points: All game wins = 5 points |  all game losses = 2 points.

The objective of all milestone missions is to score 15 points and an Event Pass is required. 

1 of 202021 Coven Pass Icon
2 of 205 Prestige Points
3 of 2010 Win XP Boost
4 of 205 Prestige Points
5 of 20Hello There [Coven Evelynn Emote]
6 of 205 Prestige Points
7 of 201500 Blue Essence
8 of 205 Prestige Points
9 of 20Look Into My Eyes [Coven Cassiopeia Emote]
10 of 205 Prestige Points
11 of 20The Hunt Begins! [Old Warwick Emote]
12 of 201500 Blue Essence
13 of 20500 Orange Essence
14 of 20Mystery Emote Permanent
15 of 201 Gemstone
16 of 201 Hextech Key
17 of 201 Masterwork Chest
18 of 20750 Orange Essence
19 of 20Coven 2021 Orb
20 of 201 Gemstone

Weekly Wins Missions (Pass Required)

Applies to matchmade games only.

Week 1Score 35 points230  TokensAug 12, 1:00 p.m. PT – Sept 13, 11:59 p.m. PT
Week 2Score 35 points230 TokensAug 19, 1:00 p.m. PT – Sept 13, 11:59 p.m. PT
Week 3Score 35 points230 TokensAug 26, 1:00 p.m. PT – Sept 13, 11:59 p.m. PT
Week 4Score 50 points310 TokensSept 2, 1:00 p.m. PT – Sept 13, 11:59 p.m. PT

Coven Missions (Event Pass Not Required)

The following missions are open to all players, but can only be completed once. Coven Story Missions no. 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, and 11 will unlock at the same time after the completion of the previous mission objective(s) and must both be completed—regardless of order—to unlock the next mission. Applies to matchmade games only.

1Win a game as, with or against Malphite, Warwick or AshePlay 4 Games20 Coven 2021 Tokens
2As a team, destroy 12 Structures (Towers & Inhibitors)Play 4 Games20 Coven 2021 Tokens
3Get 30 champion TakedownsPlay 4 Games20 Coven 2021 Tokens
4Deal 90,000 physical damage to championsPlay 6 Games20 Coven 2021 Tokens / 2021 Coven Event Icon
5Win a game as, with or against Cassiopeia, Ahri or EvelynnPlay 4 Games20 Coven 2021 Tokens
6Gain 60 Vision ScorePlay 4 Games20 Coven 2021 Tokens
7Earn 50 Crowd Control ScorePlay 4 Games20 Coven 2021 Tokens
8Deal 72,000 magic damage to championsPlay 6 Games25 Coven 2021 Tokens
9Kill 10 championsPlay 4 Games20 Coven 2021 Tokens
10Kill 12 ‘Buff’ jungle monsters (Red, Blue)Play 4 Games20 Coven 2021 Tokens
11Kill 350 minionsPlay 4 Games20 Coven 2021 Tokens
12Play 2 games as, with or against Coven or Old God skinsPlay 6 Games25 Coven 2021 Tokens / Eternals Capsule

Token Bank Missions (Event Pass Not Required)

Token Bank Missions can be repeated infinitely. Tokens earned through these objectives are added to the token bank for non-Pass owners, whereas tokens are added directly to the player for Pass owners. Applies to matchmade games only.

Win a matchmade PvP Summoner’s Rift (SR) match10 Tokens
Lose a matchmade PvP SR match5 Tokens
Win a matchmade PvP ARAM match6 Tokens
Lose a matchmade PvP ARAM match3 Tokens
Achieve a rank in TFT: 1st or 2nd8 Tokens
Achieve a rank in TFT: 3rd or 4th6 Tokens
Achieve a rank in TFT: 5th or 6th4 Tokens
Achieve a rank in TFT: 7th or 8th2 Tokens
Win a matchmade One For All match6 Tokens
Lose a matchmade One For All match3 Tokens

Orb Mission (Event Pass Not Required)

This orb mission is open to all players and can only be completed once.

Coven Orb MissionPlay 30 games– 50 Coven 2021 Tokens
– 1 Coven 2021 Orb

Event Shop and Things You Can Unlock With Tokens

Coven LeBlanc (Prestige + Icon)2000 Tokens
100 PP (2020) + Icon (Prestige Point Bundle)2200 Tokens
Dark Ritual Chroma (Coven LeBlanc) + Icon300 Tokens
Dark Ritual Chroma (Coven Evelynn) + Icon300 Tokens
Dark Ritual Chroma (Coven Ashe) + Icon300 Tokens
Dark Ritual Chroma (Coven Ahri) + Icon300 Tokens
Dark Ritual Chroma (Coven Cassiopeia) + Icon300 Tokens
Dark Ritual Chroma (Old God Malphite) + Icon300 Tokens
Dark Ritual Chroma (Old God Warwick) + Icon300 Tokens
Coven Evelynn (Border + Icon)250 Tokens
Coven Ashe (Border + Icon)250 Tokens
Coven Ahri (Border + Icon)250 Tokens
Coven Cassiopeia (Border + Icon)250 Tokens
Old God Malphite (Border + Icon)250 Tokens
Old God Warwick (Border + Icon)250 Tokens
Dark Ritual Chroma (Coven Zyra) + Icon300 Tokens
Dark Ritual Chroma (Coven Morgana) + Icon300 Tokens
Dark Ritual Chroma (Coven Lissandra) + Icon300 Tokens
Dark Ritual Chroma (Coven Camille) + Icon300 Tokens
10 Blue Essence1 Token
1 Key Fragment20 Tokens
1 Key60 Tokens
3 Keys180 Tokens
100 Blue Essence10 Tokens
Random Champion Shard50 Tokens
Mystery Emote60 Tokens
Coven 2021 Orb200 Tokens
Little Legends Rare Egg300 Tokens
Spirit Blossom Egg600 Tokens
Heroic Hatchlings Egg600 Tokens

Loot and Loot Bundles

A single Coven 2021 Orb contains 1 random Skin Shard and multiplies your Gemstone and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates by 1.5. Each orb also grants a 3.5% chance to drop either a Coven Ashen Owl Bag or a Coven Ivory Stag Bag. 

Coven Ashen Owl Bag:

  • Gemstone and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5x
  • 3 skin shards worth +750 RP (70% chance) OR 4 skin shards worth 1350 RP or less (30% chance)

Coven Ivory Stag Bag:

  • Gemstone and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5x
  • 4 skin shards of any rarity (40% chance) OR 3 skin shards worth 1350 RP or more (60% chance)


Crime City Nightmare skins will be available on August 26, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. PT.

One For All

One For All returns to League of Legends on August 12, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. PT through September 13, 2021, 11:59 p.m. PT. Join a team of doppelgangers as you and your teammates show off your playstyles as the same champ.

ali ahmed akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib Editor-in-chief
Ali Ahmed Akib is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-chief of GameRiv. Akib grew up playing MOBA titles, especially League of Legends and is currently managing the editorial team of GameRiv.