Live A Live: How To Unlock All Endings

Tanim Hasan
By Tanim Hasan
4 Min Read
Credit: Nintendo

Live A Live is a remake of an RPG released in 1994 and now has been remade in 2022. And like many RPGs, it has multiple endings. Here is how you can get all the endings in Live A Live.

Live A Live is a turn-based RPG that has been a cult hit on the Japanese market since 1994. But it wasn’t available on the western market till now. With the new release of the game, it has been made available to a worldwide audience.

Live A Live takes an interesting approach when it comes to the RPG system. The game takes place across 8 different time periods starting all the way back from medieval times and ending in the distant future.

Each time period has a different character that you can play with. So there are quite a few characters you can unlock and play. In addition to that, you can also get multiple endings. So here we will break down all the endings you can get in Live A Live.

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How to Unlock All Endings in Live A Live

You can get 4 possible endings in the new Live A Live game. One of these endings can be gained in two different ways. So we have prepared a detailed guide on how you can get all the endings in this game.

Tragedy Ending / Armageddon Ending

This ending can be achieved in two different ways. Here are all the ways you can get the tragedy Ending in Live A Live.

By Selecting Odio Route

In the game’s final chapter, choose anyone except Oersted to be the main character of your party. Then, keep fighting Odio until he eaches his second phase. Let Odio defeat your party in this second phase to get this ending.

By Selecting Oersted Route

In the game’s final chapter, choose Oersted as the main character. Then the fight will change into a boss rush. Play through and choose the Armageddon option when it is available. Then the ending will play out the same as before.

Sad Ending

To get this ending, do not select Oersted as the main character. Then follow through with the final battle in the first phase. Finally, in the second phase, Odio returns to Oersted and asks to eliminate him. Eliminating Oersted will trigger this ending. Here he fades away, and all the other protagonist says their final goodbye.

Bad Ending

For this ending, choose Oersted as your main character. Then battle all the other heroes through the boss rush. But this time, do not pick the Armageddon command when the option becomes available. Doing this will make Oersted and his incarnations the true victors. As the credit rolls, we see Oersted wandering around the Kingdom of Lucrece.

True Ending

To get the game’s true ending, you need to choose the main character other than Oersted. So now, you must do the final battle the same way as before. But this time, in the second phase, when Odio returns to Oersted and asks you to finish him, you need to spare him.

Not eliminating Oersted here will trigger the true ending of the game. Now, do all the boss fight the game throws at you to get the true ending of Live A Live.

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By Tanim Hasan Guide Writer
Tanim Hasan is a Guide Writer at GameRiv working on various games which consists of mostly new releases. His favourite genre is Hack and Slash, and Souls Like. But he is open to play any game regardless of the genre. So he has experience with most genres of games.