League of Legends Upcoming Legendary Shaco Skin Revealed

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
2 Min Read
Image Credits: Riot Games

Riot has revealed the first legendary Shaco skin, Cats Shaco.

Last season, we got some amazing-looking skins in League of Legends. Some of the notable skins we got this year are Dragonmancer, Primal Ambush, Heavenscale, Empyrean, Faerie Court, Anima Squad 2025, Fright Night, Dark Star, Chosen of the Wolf, Arcane, etc.

This year they will be adding even more unique skins to the game. For now, they have revealed the Masque of the Black Rose, Cafe Cuties, and Mythmaker skin lines. Additionally, they have also revealed the April Fools skin line as well. For this year’s April Fools, we are getting a new iteration of the Cats vs Dogs skin line.

Cats vs Dogs is a skin line made for April Fools. In this skin line, champions wear and act like either cats or dogs. Some of the most well-known skins from this universe are Pretty Kitty Rengar, Meowrick, Fuzz Fizz, etc. The last time Riot released Cats vs Dogs was in 2023. That time they released 4 new skins. They are Woof and Lamb Kindred, Kibble-Head Kled, Kittalee, and Shiba Yuumi.

With that said, we are getting a new iteration of this skin line this year. And only skin that Riot has revealed is the legendary skin, of Cats Shaco.

Read more: Shan-Uzal Mordekaiser Exalted Skin.

Legendary Shaco Skin: Cats Shaco

cats shaco
Image Credits: Riot Games

As stated before Shaco is getting a legendary skin during this year’s April Fools. Moreover, this skin will also be voiced by actual cats according to Riot. And just like every other legendary skins, it will cost 1820RP. Besides that, we don’t know much about this skin. Alongside Shaco, we will get some other April Fools skins as well.

As for the release date, this skin may come out during patch 25.S1.6, scheduled for March 19, 2025.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.