League of Legends Patch 11.5 is going to feature Udyr, Seraphine, and Rell nerf, while Master Yi, Pyke, and some others are set to receive buffs as well.
The first few patches after the 2021 preseason were all about balancing and adjusting the new items. Riot pushed multiple hotfixes and balance updates to shape the meta from “overpowered” items and champions. Because of how dominant the jungle role was, Riot even nerfed the jungle in patch 11.4.
However, there are still some champions like Udyr and Seraphine who are still terrorizing the meta. Seraphine currently has a massive 57.64% win rate in the bot lane, while Udyr also has around 54%. Besides them, Rammus, Shaco Support, Rell, Azir, and Gragas are also having a great impact on both the solo queue and pro games. Riot is nerfing all of them in LoL Patch 11.5. Needless to say, Senna is also abusing Guinsoo’s on-hit effect in the current patch.
On the other hand, Pyke, Karma, Trundle, Master Yi, Sejuani, Jax, Samira, Samira, and Kog’Maw are set to receive buffs on Patch 11.5, as confirmed by League of Legends Gameplay Design Director Mark “Scruffy” Yetter.
Patch 11.5 Release Date
League of Legends patch 11.5 is going to release on Wednesday, March 3, 2021.
LoL Patch 11.5 release time:
- NA: 3:00 AM PT
- EUW: 5:00 UK time
- EUNE: 3:00 CET
Items Buffs
Black Cleaver
- [REMOVED] Butcher
- Cost: 3300 >>> 3100
- Health: 300 >>> 400
- [NEW] Dealing physical damage to a champion grants 5 movement speed per stack of Carve on them for 2 seconds
Maw of Malmortius
- Cost: 3100 >>> 2800g
Serpent’s Fang
- Shield Reaver: Dealing damage reduces incoming shields by 50/25% for 3s
- When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Shield Reaver, reduce shields on them by 50/25% (melee/ranged)
Item Adjustments
- Dash distance: 200 >>> 300
- Slow amount: 60 >>> 40%
- Damage: 100 >>> 75% tAD
- Shock – Attacks and Abilities deal 2.5% Max Mana Damage >>> Attacks deal 1.5% Max Mana Damage and Abilities deal (3.5% Melee || 2.7% Ranged) Max Mana +6% tAD Damage
Patch 11.5 Champion Nerfs
Seraphine (Bot Carry)
- Passive:
- Ally notes deal 100 >>> 25% damage
- Note decay after the first removed
- Note Damage: 4-16 (smooth with lvl) >>> 4/8/14/24 (at 1/6/11/16)
- R:
- Cooldown: 160-120 >>> 180-120
- Base stats:
- Health per level: 99 >>> 92
- R:
- Total aura damage: 50-275 >>> 40-240
- Base stats:
- Health per level: 95 >>> 80
Shaco Support
- W:
- AOE damage: 15-35 >>> 10-30
- Single target damage: 35-95 >>> 25-85
- Deals an additional 10-50 damage to monsters
- Base stats:
- Armor: 35 >>> 32
- W:
- Cooldown: 11 >>> 13s (both W cooldown)
- W:
- Soldier auto attack damage: 60-160 >>> 50-150
- Q:
- Mana cost: 60-80 >>> 80
Senna (Guinsoo Interactions)
- No longer grants over 100% crit chance; excess crit instead granted as lifesteal (at the same conversion rate as before)
- Guinsoo Crit to on-hit conversion is now capped at 100% crit chance
- Guinsoo On-hit damage is now affected by champion crit damage modifiers
Patch 11.5 Champion Buffs
- P:
- Grey Health Storage: 25-50% (by champ lvl) of damage taken >>> 10% (+25% Lethality), increased to 35% (+50% Lethality) when 2 or more enemies are nearby
- Q:
- Cooldown: 9-7 >>> 8-6s
- Q:
- Cooldown: 4 >>> 3.5s
Master Yi
- E:
- On-hit damage: 18-50 >>> 20-60
- W:
- W 2nd hit damage: 5.25 >>> 6% max HP
- Base stats:
- AD per lvl: 3.38 >>> 4.25
- W:
- On-hit magic damage: 3-6 >>> 3-7% max HP
- W:
- On hit damage: 8-40 >>> 8-64
- Movement speed: 5-10 >>> 5-13%
- R:
- Damage: 100-240 >>> 100-300
- Base stats
- AD per lvl: 2.3 >>> 3
- Q
- Damage ratio: 80-110% >>> 80-120% tAD
Champion Adjustments
Twitch AD vs AP
- P:
- AP ratio: 3 >>> 2.5%
- R:
- AD: 25-55 >>> 30-60
- Duration: 5 >>> 6s
New Skins
- Beezahar Skin: Splash Art, Release Date, and Price
- Yuubee Skin: Splash Art, Release Date, and Price
- Bee’Maw the 2021 new Kog’Maw Skin: Splash Art, Release Date, and Price