League of Legends Patch 11.2 is once again going to feature changes to multiple items.
League of Legends 2021 preseason was all about the new Mythic items and item overhaul. With so many new changes, some of the items were “outclassing” others by quite a margin.
Riot, however, brought multiple balance updates in the preseason and later in patch 11.1 to balance things out. Tank Mythic items received multiple back-to-back nerfs, and later, Assassin items also took a hit. With the downfall of those items, Galeforce, Imperial Mandate, and some others saw a huge influx in pick rate.
On the other hand, Mythic items like Frostfire Gauntlet and Turbo Chemtank hardly have any champions who benefit from these items.
And now, League of Legends Gameplay Design Director Mark “Scruffy” Yetter has previewed LoL patch 11.2. And it seems they are bringing in other major item changes featuring Hextech Rocketbelt, Galeforce, Kraken Slayer, and Imperial Mandate nerf, while Turbo Chemtank, Frostfire Gauntlet, Gargoyle Stoneplate, and Essence Reaver are set to receive buffs.
Furthermore, seven other items will also receive some sort of balance adjustments in patch 11.2.
“Buffing up options outside of Sunfire for tanks (and giving support tanks more choices),” Riot Scruffy said. “Shurelia’s shift to make it attractive to enchanter/mage supports.”
Item/Rune Nerfs
Ravenous Hunter
- Omnivamp per stack: 2% >>> 1.7%.
Hextech Rocketbelt
- Movement Speed boost: 50% for 2s >>> 30% for 1.5s.
- Cloudburst cooldown: 60 >>> 90s.
Imperial Mandate
- Per target cooldown applies on: Ally proccing >>> initial application of CC.
Kraken Slayer
- Damage proc respects reduced on hit modifiers (Katarina, Aphelios, Urgot).
Item Buffs
Turbo Chemtank
- Cost: 3200 >>> 2800.
- Build Path: Bami’s + Negatron + Cloth + 900g >>> Bami’s + Null + Cloth + 850g.
- Ability Haste: 15 >>> 20.
- MR: 50 >>> 25.
- Mythic Passive 5% Tenacity and Slow Resist >>> 5 Ability Haste.
Frostfire Gauntlet
- Cost: 3200 >>> 2800.
- Build Path: Bami’s + Null + Chain Vest + 850g >>> Bami’s + Null + Cloth Armor + 850g.
- Ability Haste: 15 >>> 20.
- Armor: 50 >>> 25.
Gargoyle Stoneplate
- Fortify increases bonus resists by 3% (max 15%) >>> 5% (max 25%) when damaged by enemy champions.
Essence Reaver
- Mana restore: 3% Max Mana >>> 40% Base AD + 16% Bonus AD.
Item Adjustments
Sunfire Aegis
- Mythic Passive: 5 Ability Haste >>> 5% tenacity and slow resistance.
Phantom Dancer
- Cost: 2500 >>> 2600.
- Attack Speed: 40% >>> 45%.
Runaan’s Hurricane
- Cost: 2500 >>> 2600.
- Attack Speed: 40% >>> 45%.
Umbral Glaive
- Cost: 2800 >>> 2600.
- AD: 55 >>> 50.
- Caufield’s Warhammer >>> 2 Long Sword in the build path.
Serpents Fang
- Cost: 2800 >>> 2600.
- AD: 60 >>> 55.
Chempunk Chainsword
- Cost: 2700 >>> 2600.
- Health: 200 >>> 150.
Shureliya’s Reverie
- Health: 350 >>> 200.
- 5% Movement speed >>> 40 AP.
- Base Mana Regen: 50 >>> 100%.
- New buildpath Kindelgem + Bandleglass Mirror.