SBMM is a hot topic for the Modern Warfare 3 Beta, as players wonder if the feature is available in-game.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is the direct sequel to Modern Warfare 2 (2022). The game continues the TF141 and Shadow Company storylines. Moreover, it also ports the multiplayer forward with new content such as maps, weapons, and in-game mechanics.
However, besides the new multiplayer game mode, players are curious about the new game’s SBMM feature. SBMM has been a hot topic for almost every CoD release since Modern Warfare (2019).
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What is SBMM in Call of Duty?
SBMM, better known as skill-based matchmaking, has been part of most CoD titles. SBMM features a hidden MMR system where players are thrown into lobbies that match their skill level. Due to SBMM, players who play well are thrown into lobbies with other good players, which punishes good players for playing well. On the other hand, players who are not so good at the game are put against players of the same level.

Modern Warfare 2 had a wholly reworked SBMM system. It was the most hated part of the multiplayer mode. Infinity Ward’s new SBMM did ensure convenient lobbies for new players, but not for long.
Do Players like the SBMM in Modern Warfare 3?
While MW (2019) was a massive success for Infinity Ward and Activision, without a doubt, the latter titles, BOCW, Vanguard, and Modern Warfare 2, failed miserably. With the release of these titles, the overall player count started to decrease. Players were unhappy with the SBMM and other in-game issues in these games.

Players have been vocal about the SBMM present in Warzone 2.0 and MW2 since launch. While the whole SBMM might seem like a good feature for newer players, it comes and bites their own leg when they start performing well in the game. Sledgehammer Games has not discussed the current SBMM condition in Modern Warfare 3.
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