Bloodhound’s scan can detect enemies at a very long distance, and it is still considered overpowered by many Apex Legends players around the world.
The developers of the popular Titanfall franchise made a surprise entry into the battle royale genre with the release of Apex Legends. The game brought a lot of new features for players to enjoy. With the introduction of Legends, Respawn introduced the hero-shooter aspect into the battle royale genre for the first time ever.
Initially, Respawn had released eight distinct Legends into Apex Legends. Every Legend had its own distinguishing characteristics and abilities. Among all the Legends, Bloodhound was one of the first to enter the initial 8-Legends roster.
Even after being the only Recon character in the game (Pathfinder was classified as a support Legend back then), Bloodhound wasn’t very popular at that time until receiving a major buff in Season 6. The buff made players realize how good Bloodhound was when utilized adequately.
Bloodhound instantly shifted the meta and became a force to be reckoned with. Since then, they have received some substantial nerfs to balance the integrity of the competitive environment. After the nerf, many players, including the pros, switched to other Legends.
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Bloodhound’s Scan is Still OP in Season 12
Even though Bloodhound has been through some significant nerfs, the scan still remained powerful in Season 12. Bloodhound’s scan could still highlight all enemies, traps, clues, and Loot ticks up to 75 meters in a 125° cone.
In this Reddit clip, you can see that the player is on high ground, shooting a Bloodhound behind a rock at a far distance below. Despite what appears to be a distance of more than 75 meters, the scan still picked up the user playing with Mad Maggie.
According to a Reddit user called NivannaKingsman, Bloodhound’s scan goes far beyond the 75-meter mark. The enemies on the receiving end can get scanned by the sonar even if they are not in the 75-meter range. The Bloodhound, however, does not detect the enemies who get scanned after the 75-meter range.
Nonetheless, this still gives slight disadvantages to the enemy because they have no way of knowing if the Bloodhound has the information or not. It is still an unknown factor for many players, including the non-Bloodhound mains, and developers should definitely look into this matter.
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