In a recent live stream, ImperialHal and other pros shared their discontent with the current Ranked system, saying the current ranked system is literally just like pubs.
Apex Legends is currently one of the most popular Battle Royale games out there. It is also a live-service game, meaning the developers constantly push content into the game to keep the player base engaged.
The game goes through massive changes almost every season. Similarly, in Season 17, Respawn made many notable changes to the game. But the biggest change happened with the Ranked system.
Despite Respawn’s good intentions, the new ranked changes are failing to show positive results. Understandably, the community is quite dissatisfied with how the ranked system turned out, causing the constant decrease in player numbers.
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Ranked System is “Literally Just Like Pubs”
In a recent stream, ImperialHal and other pro players shared their discontent with the current ranked system. They all had a similar opinion on how the current state of Apex Legends is worse and that the game is constantly failing its player base.
Even the Apex Legends content creators are losing interest in streaming or making content because it’s just not fun anymore. ImperialHal also mentioned how it’s hard to make content for the streamers, and the only game mode pros and streamers enjoyed, which is ranked, isn’t interesting anymore.
“Like it was already hard as f**k for the streamers to be playing ranked every day, and now it’s like the worse it has ever been. Personally, I was able to play ranked, like it’s kind of fine, right? But now they just kind of f**ed that over. Because ranked is literally just like pubs and I hate playing pubs because it’s so boring.”, ImperialHal said.
The other pro players also agreed with ImperialHal’s statement. They also think that because of the rank system, Apex’s Twitch viewership is also getting severely affected because it’s not fun to watch the streamers play ranked.