How To Report Players In Halo Infinite Multiplayer

Mahirul Alam Chowdhury
By Mahirul Alam Chowdhury
5 Min Read
credits: 343 Industries

This guide helps you to report cheating and toxic players in Halo Infinite

Cheating and toxic behavior are always a problem in any multiplayer game. Recently, it has become an annoying problem in Halo Infinite multiplayer, especially on the PC.

Unlike most popular multiplayer games right now, Halo Infinite does not have many strict anti-cheat or even anti-toxicity measures. This even caused an uproar among console players who were matching up with PC players on cross-play.

You can still report these pesky cheaters, griefers, and throwers in Halo Infinite multiplayer. However, the process is not so convenient and straightforward as other multiplayer games. We hope 343i will bring a change to this soon. Or else they will see a huge drop in player count. It will be a great shame for this otherwise excellent game.

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Report Players in Halo Infinite

To report any players in Halo Infinite, start by opening the pause menu screen. Go to the socials page with the Tab key if you’re using a keyboard/mouse or the View/Select button if you are using a controller.

When in-game, you will see the players in your match on this page. Select the unfavorable player you want to report. Doing so will pop up that player’s Player Options menu. Here, you will notice many options such as Profile, which brings out the player card, Mute, etc. At the bottom, you will see a Report button. Select it, and it will take you to the Halo Waypoint Website on your browser. This is the annoying part referred to earlier. You cannot report directly from the game. Instead, the game takes you to the Halo Waypoint site, where you need to do the actual reporting work.

Halo Waypoint Website

Sign in and choose Halo Safety- Report a Player option from the ‘choose your issue below’ dropdown on the website. From the next dropdown menu, choose the game. For this case, it will be Halo Infinite. Select the behavior you want to report: either Chat/Voice or Unsportsmanlike conduct.

Report Players Halo Infinite

In the next space provide the Gamertag of the person and on the next one, state a 5 to 7 word summary of the reason for your report ticket. In the big white space, write in detail the reason for your report and describe what offense the player carried out. You can enter code blocks, quotations, links as well as images. Make sure to include everything for effective action.

Report Players Halo Infinite

Finally, you can also upload a video or screenshot that catches the culprits in action. You can use the Theater Mode to provide evidence of toxic behavior in-game such as cheating, griefing, team-killing, intentional sabotage. But if you want to report issues such as chats or audio, you will have to record it externally as Theater Mode does not record voice or text chats. Yes, we know this is a weird system. Nevertheless, report players even if you cannot provide video or picture as evidence. Repeat offenders will likely be reported by multiple players, which the dev team will soon notice.

To report players in Halo Infinite outside of a match, check your Recent Players list on the Social page. You cannot do it via the Last Match Report or Match History pages, where you can see all the players you played with. Another weird system.

We hope 343i will look into this annoying reporting system in Halo Infinite and bring a more intuitive approach.

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Mahirul Alam Chowdhury is a writer and HR Manager at GameRiv.