Genshin Impact 3.6 Beta: Baizhu Fans Have Mixed Opinions After Leak Reveals New Updated Animations

Nawshad Noor
By Nawshad Noor
2 Min Read
Credit: GenshinMains Twitter

Genshin Impact’s latest 3.6 Beta update introduced new animations for Baizhu, but fans have mixed feelings about them.

Genshin Impact’s next patch is v3.6. The new update is supposed to come out in early April. In this update, one of Genshin’s most awaited characters Baizhu will get a banner. Baizhu is a 5* dendro catalyst user from Liyue and the owner of Bubu pharmacy.

Thanks to leakers and data miners, Baizhu fans have already seen all his animations, including his Burst, normal attack, idle, etc. But many fans thought that the animations were lackluster and had much to be desired. Some even accused HoYoverse of copying burst animations from previous characters, such as Albedo and Shenhe, as they had much in common.

But, according to some recent leaks, HoYoverse updated Baizhu’s animations with some new flair, and fans are having mixed feelings about them.

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Baizhu New Animations

Previously, Baizhu’s Burst animation had him swinging his arm in a simple motion. But according to the Genshinmains Twitter post, we can see that Baizhu’s burst animation now has more flair and some background animation as well.

His normal attacks also received a visual overhaul, including new bigger particle effects.

Some Baizhu stans on social media were happy to see the new animation effects and said that Baizhu fans won. On the other hand, some still think that the animations are lackluster and do not warrant the hype.

But, never the less Baizhu’s animations now feel more refined. Hopefully, in the final version of the game, Baizhu’s animations receive even more overhaul and can make everyone happy.

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By Nawshad Noor Guide Writer
Nawshad Noor is a former Editor at GameRiv.