Ezreal receives massive nerfs on his ultimate, and the Q AD ratio also takes a little dive downward in patch 14.3
Ezreal is one of the most popular champions in the League of Legends. The number of skins he has speaks volumes of his fanbase. As a marksman, he is probably the most versatile pick. His presence has been evergreen in pro plays. It’s because of the built-in flash as his E. Usually ADCs are infamous for their restricted escaping capabilities. With Ezreal you don’t have to worry about that.
More importantly, he can spam Q poke from miles away, making him very annoying to deal with as an opponent. From mid-game Ezreal’s W+Q combo can remove half of the HP bar of any squishy. And a low cooldown on his abilities doesn’t help either.
On top of that, Ezreal has a global ultimate with decent base damage and AD ratio. All of this makes him a very competent and fearsome marksman to deal with, especially in the hands of an experienced player.
Currently, Ezreal has almost 50% win rate. Usually, champions don’t get nerfed until their win rate is well above 50%, like Trundle and Maokai (around 52% and 56.5% win rates respectively). Still, Ezreal will be nerfed because this 50% win rate is supported by a staggering 22% pick rate, one of the highest in the game right now.
With that said, let’s take a look at all the nerfs he will be receiving in the upcoming patch 14.3.
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Ezreal Nerfs in Patch 14.3
The following are the changes Ezreal will be going under:
- Q AD ratio reduced from 135% to 130%
- R base damage reduced from 350 – 700 to 325 – 625
- R bonus AD ratio reduced from 120% to 100%
Q is Ezreal’s signature ability. Even though it’s a 5% reduction in AD ratio, it’s actually a decent nerf. Because Ezreal spams Q almost every second. So the 5% reduced damage adds up over the course of at least 25 minutes, making a huge drop in damage.
Not to mention, the R got axed both in base damage and bonus AD ratio, stifling him of his mid-game wave-clearing power and value in team fights. But given how Ezreal can go different itemization routes, including AD, AP, and even semi-tank, his nerf won’t be big enough to disrupt the win rate much. Therefore, this much tuning down of his power seems logical.
When will Ezreal Nerfs be Live?
As with other changes in patch 14.3, Ezreal nerfs will be live on all the servers, from February 7, 2024.