Digimon Survive: All Achievements and Trophies

Md Obyead
By Md Obyead
7 Min Read
Credit: Namco Bandai Games America Inc.

Here is a complete list of all the achievements and Trophies in Digimon Survive.

Digimon Survive is finally out on the 20th Anniversary of the Franchise. Inside the game, you can go on an adventure where you must make your way home after being transported to a world of monsters. Moreover, like every other game, Digimon Survive has achievements you can earn.

Some of these achievements are easy to get, while getting others is challenging. So below, we have made a complete list of all Achievements and Trophies in Digimon Survive.

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All Achievements and Trophies in Digimon Survive

There are a total of 46 trophies and Achievements you can unlock in Digimon Survive on your Xbox and PlayStation. There are around 34 Bronze, 8 Silver, 3 Gold, and 1 Platinum Trophies. While in Xbox, you can grab around 1000 Gamerscore by completing all the Achievements. Moreover, both on Xbox and Playstation, there are secret Trophies and Achievements you can unlock. Check out the complete list below:

Playstation Trophies

Trophy NameHow To UnlockTrophy Type
The Adventure BeginsEmbarked on your adventureBronze
Fateful DecisionReached a fork in the story.Bronze
First HaulAcquired your first item while exploring.Bronze
Item MasterAcquired 100 items while exploring.Bronze
Look at Me Now!Agumon reached Rookie level.Bronze
Bow to the ChampionAgumon reached Champion level.Bronze
Ultimate AscensionAgumon reached Ultimate level.Bronze
Evolution RevolutionEvolved a Free Monster.Bronze
Path to the TruthTook the Truthful route.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Downed Dokugumon!Beat Dokugumon.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Finished Fangmon!Beat Fangmon.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Axed Arukenimon!Beat Arukenimon.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Crushed Cyclonemon!Beat Cyclonemon.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Got Garurumon!Beat Garurumon.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Mashed Monzaemon!Beat Monzaemon.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Whipped Wendigomon!Beat WendigomonBronze(Secret Trophy)
Muzzled MegaSeadramon!Beat MegaSeadramon.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Pummeled Piedmon!Beat Piedmon.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Returned to the FoldSaved Miyuki.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Bested Baihumon!Beat Baihumon.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Ebonwumon defeated!Beat EbonwumonBronze(Secret Trophy)
Annihilated Azulongmon!Beat Azulongmon.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Surmounted Zhuqiaomon!Beat Zhuqiaomon.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Mega MetamorphosisAgumon reached Mega levelBronze(Secret Trophy)
Majestic MalevolenceDracmon reached Mega level.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Spirit JudgeLabramon reached Mega levelBronze(Secret Trophy)
Guardian of the SkiesFalcomon reached Mega level.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Angelic EntityLopmon reached Mega level.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Uncompromising PrideKunemon reached Mega level.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Arboreal GoddessFloramon reached Mega level.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Aquatic FairySyakomon reached Mega level.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Full Metal PartnerGarurumon reached Mega leveBronze(Secret Trophy)
Maiden of Divine WillRenamon reached Mega level.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Astute RecruiterRecruited a Free Monster.Bronze(Secret Trophy)
Final Battle ImminentEntered the final battle.Silver
A Brother UnredeemedBeat Boltboutamon.Silver(Secret)
So Sorry, Sweet Aoi…Beat PlutomonSilver(Secret)
Massacred the Master!Beat the Master.Silver(Secret)
Birth of the Digital MonstersCompleted the Moral route.Silver(Secret)
Wrathful ReckoningCompleted the Wrathful route.Silver(Secret)
New World OrderCompleted the Harmonious route.Silver(Secret)
Holy KnightEvolved to Omegamon.Silver(Secret)
Master ResearcherEncountered all monsters.Gold
Sanctified SovereignBeat Fanglongmon Ruin Mode.Gold(Secret)
Generation of the FutureCompleted Truthful route to the next generation.Gold(Secret)
Survival MasterAcquired all trophies.Platinum

Xbox Achievements

Achievement Name How To UnlockAchievement TypeGamerscore
The Adventure BeginsEmbarked on your adventureNormal 15G
Fateful DecisionReached a fork in the story.Normal15G
First HaulAcquired your first item while exploring.Normal15G
Item MasterAcquired 100 items while exploring.Normal15G
Look at Me Now!Agumon reached Rookie level.Normal15G
Bow to the ChampionAgumon reached Champion level.Normal15G
Ultimate AscensionAgumon reached Ultimate level.Rare15G
Evolution RevolutionEvolved a Free Monster.Rare15G
Path to the TruthTook the Truthful route.Secret15G
Downed Dokugumon!Beat Dokugumon.Secret15G
Finished Fangmon!Beat Fangmon.Secret15G
Axed Arukenimon!Beat Arukenimon.Secret15G
Crushed Cyclonemon!Beat Cyclonemon.Secret15G
Got Garurumon!Beat Garurumon.Secret15G
Mashed Monzaemon!Beat Monzaemon.Secret15G
Whipped Wendigomon!Beat WendigomonSecret15G
Muzzled MegaSeadramon!Beat MegaSeadramon.Secret15G
Pummeled Piedmon!Beat Piedmon.Secret15G
Returned to the FoldSaved Miyuki.Secret15G
Bested Baihumon!Beat Baihumon.Secret15G
Ebonwumon defeated!Beat EbonwumonSecret15G
Annihilated Azulongmon!Beat Azulongmon.Secret15G
Surmounted Zhuqiaomon!Beat Zhuqiaomon.Secret15G
Mega MetamorphosisAgumon reached Mega levelSecret15G
Majestic MalevolenceDracmon reached Mega level.Secret15G
Spirit JudgeLabramon reached Mega levelSecret15G
Guardian of the SkiesFalcomon reached Mega level.Secret15G
Angelic EntityLopmon reached Mega level.Secret15G
Uncompromising PrideKunemon reached Mega level.Secret15G
Arboreal GoddessFloramon reached Mega level.Secret15G
Aquatic FairySyakomon reached Mega level.Secret15G
Full Metal PartnerGarurumon reached Mega leveSecret15G
Maiden of Divine WillRenamon reached Mega level.Secret15G
Astute RecruiterRecruited a Free Monster.Normal15G
Final Battle ImminentEntered the final battle.Silver15G
A Brother UnredeemedBeat Boltboutamon.Secret20G
So Sorry, Sweet Aoi…Beat PlutomonSecret20G
Massacred the Master!Beat the Master.Secret20G
Birth of the Digital MonstersCompleted the Moral route.Secret20G
Wrathful ReckoningCompleted the Wrathful route.Secret20G
New World OrderCompleted the Harmonious route.Secret20G
Holy KnightEvolved to Omegamon.Secret20G
Master ResearcherEncountered all monsters.Normal100G
Sanctified SovereignBeat Fanglongmon Ruin Mode.Secret60G
Generation of the FutureCompleted Truthful route to the next generation.Secret70G
Survival MasterAcquired all trophies.Normal100G

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By Md Obyead Deputy Roblox Editor
Md Obyead is the Deputy Editor of the Roblox section at GameRiv. Obyead has a passion for writing articles, scripts, and poems. He lives with one quote in life "With hardwork, dedication and will power you can get anywhere in the world."