Competitive Apex Legends Team Gets Permanent Ban For Teabagging His Own Teammate in a Tournament

Nazmul Hassan
By Nazmul Hassan
5 Min Read
Credit: EA

A tournament organizer from Fate Legion bans a player named DillyKami and his whole team for teabagging a teammate as a joke.

At this point, every player knows what teabagging is, especially online gamers. It has become an integral part of multiplayer games and has been in the online video gaming world for a long time. Apex Legends is no different.

It is very common for players to teabag someone as a way of celebrating their dominance over the others. Even though it may feel a little bit tilting to be on the opposite end of a teabagging, in the end, most of the players know that it is just a part of a game.

Even in the highest level of eSports, teabagging is typical for players to celebrate their victory. We have seen people do it to their opponents on Call of Duty, CS: GO, VALORANT, and most other giant eSports events.

However, things got a little interesting when a player got banned recently in an Apex Legends online tournament. The most surprising fact is that the player was banned for teabagging his teammate, which he meant as a joke.

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Team Gets Banned For Teabagging Teammate in Tournament

Recently a tournament was hosted by Fate Legion, and many teams participated in that tournament. Likewise, an eight times Predator named Dilly and his team Crazy Penguins, joined this tournament to compete and have fun.

In the middle of a match, Crazy Penguin eliminated an opponent team, and one of Dilly’s teammates died in that fight. After that, Dilly hopped onto his teammate’s deathbox and teabagged him as a joke. It was evident that Crazy Penguin was having fun.

However, the tournament host took notice of that and immediately said in live stream that it was unacceptable and Crazy Penguin was disqualified from the tournament. After the match ended, Fate Legion told them in the lobby chat that they were disqualified for teabagging.

Dilly and his teammates were shocked at first. They even told the host that it was Dilly’s teammate’s death box, and he did it as a joke. He didn’t BM any opponent. Nonetheless, Fate Legion was determined to ban Crazy Penguin from the tournament. On top of that, they banned Dilly and his teammates from Fate Legion’s future events.

Not long after, Dilly made a post on his Tweeter account and shared what happened during the match. He even mentioned that there was no rule regarding this, and the ban was really uncalled for. His Tweet spread the Apex community, and many pros and content creators shared their opinions regarding this incident.


The manager of Fate Legion named IGSCNight reached out to us, and we got some more information on the ban situation. According to the manager, Dilly and his team were not permanently banned because of the teabagging issue alone, and the reason behind their permanent ban was the outcome of Dilly’s action afterward when he allegedly started a “Smear” campaign against Fate Legion.

IGSCNight added further that Dilly had contacted friends and people with a large following, and he spread the story that suited him best for the scenario. According to the Fate Legion’s manager, there were actually rules that were violated by Dilly’s actions. Thus, he and his team were banned from Fate Legion’s services and future tournaments.

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More insights are starting to uncover as time passes. The actual situation is still in the dark as there was no official statement from Fate Legion’s side. However, if we receive more information on this incident, we’ll keep you updated through this article.

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By Nazmul Hassan FPS Editor
Nazmul is GameRiv's FPS editor. He is a marketing graduate with an immense passion for gaming. As an ex-professional CS:GO player, he holds a strong interest in other FPS titles like Apex Legends, VALORANT, and CoD. However, he also tries out other games when he is free.