Cloud9 Dropped its Apex Legends Roster of Zachmazer, Naughty, and Rocker

Nazmul Hassan
By Nazmul Hassan
2 Min Read
Credit: Rocker/ Zach/ Naughty

Due to the economic crash and alleged mishandling of the teams by EA, Cloud9 had to drop its Apex Legends roster in mid ALGS season.

Cloud9’s Apex Legends roster is currently one of the most renowned teams in the NA competitive scene. After Albralelie parted ways with Cloud9 on July 28th, former NRG team member Rocker joined the roster.

Currently, the team is competing in the ALGS Pro League: Split 1 and is on the brink of relegating to Qualifiers. The team was already struggling due to roster changes. On top of that, the sudden removal of the C9 Apex roster was the final straw for the struggling players.

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Zachmazer Explained Why They Were Dropped

Apart from competing in the professional Apex scene, Zachmazer is also a streamer. Recently, while he was streaming, one of his viewers asked what was up with C9 and the Apex Legends roster.

Zachmazer replied, “What happened on C9 was, recently, the economy crashed, and the major sponsors of C9 got hit really hard. And C9 had to make massive budget cuts, and they don’t have the resources to pay for an Apex team at the moment. And, they also did not like the way that EA was handling their relationship with e-sports.”

Although many pros and content creators previously condemned EA for not treating their player base right, the removal of Cloud9 may not have anything to do with it. Even StayNaughty also said in his stream that the economy is to blame for their unfortunate fate.

Hopefully, Zachmazer, StayNaughty, and Rocker will be able to find new homes so that we can see them compete in Apex Legends very soon.

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By Nazmul Hassan FPS Editor
Nazmul is GameRiv's FPS editor. He is a marketing graduate with an immense passion for gaming. As an ex-professional CS:GO player, he holds a strong interest in other FPS titles like Apex Legends, VALORANT, and CoD. However, he also tries out other games when he is free.