City tokens are the primary currency to unlock most locked features in Spiderman 2. This guide can help to explain city tokens.
Marvel’s Spiderman 2 is the latest action-adventure game by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It is the third entry in the Marvel’s Spiderman series, acting as a sequel to Marvel’s Spiderman (2018) and a follow-up to Marvel’s Spiderman: Miles Morales (2020).
The game picks up right where Spiderman: Miles Morales ended; Peter and Miles are struggling to navigate the next steps in their personal lives while tackling new threats, including a private militia led by Kraven the Hunter and the extraterrestrial Venom symbiote.
The gameplay builds on the foundation established by its predecessors, with an emphasis on the multiple playstyles afforded by Peter Parker and Miles Morales as Spidermen.
The game expands on their existing traversal and combat abilities, including new web-based gadgets and suits that can be unlocked through progress in the story. It also introduces the former Spiderman’s symbiote suit, granting Parker unique abilities from his previous playable appearance.
As with the prior games, content outside the main story consists of completing side missions and obtaining collectibles dispersed throughout the game’s open world. One of these collectibles is city tokens, which you can use to unlock different mechanics and collectibles in the game.
The player can switch between Parker and Morales to complete dedicated objectives for each of them.
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City Tokens in Spider-Man 2
What are City Tokens?
City Tokens are a type of currency in Spiderman 2 that can unlock new suits, gadgets, and skills. They are scattered throughout the city and can be obtained by completing various activities.

Why do you need City Tokens?
City Tokens are essential for unlocking new suits, gadgets, and skills. They allow you to customize your gameplay experience and enhance your abilities as Spiderman.
How to get City Tokens?
There are several ways to obtain City Tokens in Spiderman 2. Here are some of the most common methods:
Complete Marko’s Memories
You’ll unlock Marko’s Memories after defeating Sandman in the opening prologue. You’ll find crystals scattered all over New York City. Approaching these crystals triggers a fight against creatures made of sand. Clearing this objective earns you a handful of City Tokens.
Participate in Photo Ops
Watch out for a blue cone with a camera symbol as you swing around the city. When you see it, enter the area and open your camera to take a photo. Once you’ve captured a good angle, you’ll earn some city tokens.
Complete Brooklyn Visions Requests (Miles Morales Only)
These special missions are available only when playing as Miles Morales. Completing these missions according to the guidelines will also earn you City Tokens.
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