Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3): High Ground Guide

Tahmid Shihab Murshed
By Tahmid Shihab Murshed
3 Min Read
Image via Larian Studios

High Ground in Baldur’s Gate 3 is essential to winning fights and gaining an edge over your opponents during combat. Here’s a complete guide on how to get to High Ground in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a turn-based roleplaying game developed by Larian Studios. The game is based on the globally renowned tabletop game Dungeons and Dragons. Like the board game, players embark on a journey with their party and fight various adversaries.

The party system in Baldur’s Gate 3 allows players to assemble a band of companions and take them to the end of the adventure. There are various types of companions in the game, among which Spellcasters and Ranged Fighters are the overwatch of the party.

In addition to providing combat support, these companions with long-range combat expertise require High Ground to perform properly. However, most players might struggle to find High Ground in Baldur’s Gate. So, we have the optimal guide to get High Ground and use it optimally to your advantage during combat.

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What is High Ground in Baldur’s Gate 3?

High Ground is an essential mechanic in Baldur’s Gate 3. Similar to real-world physics, attacks from High Ground are more accurate. Moreover, Ranged Fighters and Spellcasters get a +2 bonus during their attacking roles.

Baldur's Gate 3 High Ground
Image via r/baldursgate3

In addition to the attack bonus, High Ground also makes it harder for your enemies to get a hit on you. It is to be noted that players must remain above 2.5 meters to reach the High Ground advantage. Keeping at least one party member on High Ground can make your combat much easier.

How to Get to High Ground in BG3

There is High Ground in almost every combat ground in Baldur’s Gate 3. However, most players might be confused about how to get to the High Ground. Here’s how to get to High Ground every time in the easiest way possible.

  1. Use the Jump bonus action to scale most high terrains, towers, or hilltops. However, players must at least have a 3m movement speed remaining to complete the jump successfully.
  2. Click on surfaces above ledges or any obstacle to mount over them automatically. It will allow you to go up to a High Ground slowly. This method will help you gain the High Ground advantage on your enemies using Spellcasters and Ranged Fighters.

So, get to your High Ground and make your combat easier during your journey. Follow our Baldur’s Gate 3 guides for the best builds, tips, and tricks.

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By Tahmid Shihab Murshed FPS Writer
Tahmid Shihab Murshed is an FPS writer at GameRiv. Born with a knack for gaming, he has played all types of games out there. He has a heartfelt love for Call of Duty, and other shooter titles out there.