As we are at the tail end of season 13 of Apex Legends, Respawn has finally given us more information regarding the upcoming season 14 called “Hunted”.
Similar to every new Season starting from season 2, Apex Legends has introduced new ranked rewards for competitive players to grind throughout the whole Season. Since this battle royale game has multiple maps, the ranked portion of the battle royale mode is usually played on two completely different maps on two different splits.
This ranked split basically occurs in the middle of the Season, and it resets some ranked progression. So, players can climb the ranked ladder on two different splits to collect additional rewards.
Read More: Upcoming Store Rotation Skins in Apex Legends
Apex Legends Season 14 Ranked Updates
For Split 1 of Season 13, we have the following max tier distribution among players who played more than 10 hours of Ranked (versus Season 12’s Split 1):
- 10.80% Bronze (0%)
- 28.78% Silver (3.78%)
- 44.45% Gold (25.12%)
- 14.60% Platinum (39.52%)
- 1.25% Diamond (26.63%)
- 0.10% Master & Apex Predator (4.95%)
As of August 2nd 2022, Apex has the following max tier distribution among players in Split 2 who played more than 10 hours of Ranked (versus Season 12’s Split 2):
- 2.22% Bronze (0.01%)
- 15.22% Silver (4.28%)
- 41.50% Gold (25.48%)
- 32.57% Platinum (42.80%)
- 8.05% Diamond (23.56%)
- 0.45% Master & Apex Predator (3.87%)
In Season 13, Respawn made huge changes in the ranked system. They implemented a totally new set of structures that shook the normal rank distribution. Though it gained praise in the beginning, everyone slowly realized that the rank system was full of flaws.
Following the reworked ranked controversy, Respawn made other changes in the second split of Season 13. It eliminated most of the major issues regarding rank distribution. However, it is still not without its flaws, and devs already said that they are trying to “improve matchmaking”.
So, in Season 14, Respawn, once again brough some more changes to the ranked system to make the ranked grinding more exciting to the majority of the player base.
14.0 Ranked Changes
- Entry Cost: +5 to all.
- Kill RP: Removed diminishing returns on eliminations .
- Rank Reset: No change. Resuming ranked reset of 6 divisions.
Ranked Rewards
Like every other Season, Players will receive Season 13 ranked rewards at the beginning of Season 14 “Hunted”. Every player will receive rank-specific Charms, Badges, and Skydive Trail. As Respawn always delivers freshly designed rank-specific Charms and badges every Season, players are always excited to find out what awaits them in the inventory.
As for the Skydive trail, Respawn reshuffles the trails every four Seasons. So, in Season 14, players will receive the same Skydive Trails from Season 9.
Season 14 Ranked Maps
As King’s Canyon is getting a rework, it is almost certain that the first Ranked split will be held on King’s canyon. The Second split is going to be held on Storm Point.
1st split: King’s Canyon
2nd split: Storm Point
And for Public matchmaking, King’s Canyon, World’s Edge & Storm Point will be available for players with the upcoming Season 14 update.
Split Dates
First Split will start on August 9, 2022, with the reworked King’s Canyon map, although we don’t have the dates for the second split as of writing.
Read More: Apex Legends Season 14 Release Date Across Different Times zones