Apex Legends Streamer NRG SweetDreams gets Master Rank Hacker Squad Banned During Livestream

Nawshad Noor
By Nawshad Noor
3 Min Read
Credit: Respawn/Liquipedia

Popular Apex Legend streamer NRG SweetDreams recently got a team of Master ranked hacker squad banned during Livestream.

Apex Legends is a popular Battle Royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by EA. Players drop into the map, find weapons and use different legend abilities to be the last team standing. Winning in Apex Legend matches requires good teamwork, positional awareness, and shooting skills. So, getting a win in Apex Legends feels rewarding and gets the dopamine going.

For the more serious players, there is Apex Legends ranked game mode. In the ranked mode, players earn MMR and climb ranks based on skill. One of the highest ranks in Apex Legends is Masters. It takes hundreds of hours and honing the skills to be able to climb to the rank of Master.

But, some people decide it’s easier to use hacks and cheats to quickly climb the ranks and play on the highest level with the top players. Usually, these hackers are disliked by the community and despised even.

Sometimes these hackers get into games with streamers and ruin the game for the streamer and their viewers. Such an incident occurred with Apex Legends streamer NRG Sweet. Recently NRG Sweet was streaming Apex Legends when he met an entire squad of hackers.

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Masters Ranked Hackers Banned after running into NRG SweetDreams:

It was just a typical stream for NRG SweetDreams grinding some ranked Apex Legends. Suddenly his team got eliminated by the hacker squad. After that, one of Sweet’s teammates remarked, “They were quite aware.” At that point, Sweet said, “The Loba is cheating; I called him out.”

Soon after this incident, an Apex dev took notice of the situation and started banning the hackers. The whole team was cheating, and Loba was the first to get hit by the ban hammer. After that, the other two hackers had nothing else to do but wait for their inevitable ban.

The Apex Legends developer who got the hacker’s banner was RSPN Hideouts. Hideouts told NRG SweetDreams that the whole team was cheating. NRG SweetDream said, “Damn, Hideouts said the whole team was cheating, all banned.”

As mentioned before, Horizon and Pathfinder were waiting around to pass the time before they got banned. At this point, NRG SweetDreams said, “I think these guys know; they’re just wall bouncing around waiting. It’s kinda like sitting in the bus going to jail.”

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By Nawshad Noor Guide Writer
Nawshad Noor is a former Editor at GameRiv.