Respawn added the Word’s Edge map into the map pool with the introduction of season 3 of Apex legends.
One of the unique addition to the World’s Edge map was the Geysers that players can use to make a quick escape. It was a very handy addition to the new map that would sometimes let players with very low HP somehow escape from the wrath of the enemy third parties.

A Reddit user u/TheNooiceFellow just showed off this incredible high IQ self revive in front of the enemy while being in the Geyser. Basically, this player was using the Geyser as a cover while he/she was self-reviving with a gold knockdown shield. And later used the Geyser as a quick escape while the enemy team was super confused about what exactly was going on.
Reddit user shows off how to self-revive properly:
The combination of the Geyser as a cover and the gold knockdown shield really worked in his/her favor to make this daring escape possible. Next time if a player gets knocked near a Geyser with a gold knockdown shield they can easily use the geyser as cover while they self-revive and use the speed boost from the Geyser itself to make a quick escape.
While it may not always work, the slight chance that the opponents might lose track in the geyser is still a wonderful prospect. Level designers at Respawn always create some unique ways to get around the map a little bit quicker. And the addition of these geysers just made for some crazy outplay opportunity like this one.