Popular Apex Legends streamer ShivFPS received a ban from Twitch for using mean slurs against hackers.
According to Twitch, Shivam Patel, more commonly known by his online moniker “ShivFPS,” broke Twitch’s terms of service as he used hateful terms to refer to a hacker who was continuously harassing him for days.
The hacker not only stream-sniped him for days on end but also locked him out of his main Apex account. Also, the hacker used racist terms to harass ShivFPS while in the same game.
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But after ShivFPS managed to kill this hacker in a match, he let himself loose and trash-talked the hacker, for which he later received a 7-day ban from Twitch.
ShivFPS appealed for a second time to Twitch after his seven-day ban. ShivFPS assumes the hacker, in this case, must have spam-reported the clip that showcased his rage against the cheaters, as that clip is no longer available on the platform.
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Many in the Apex Legends community supported ShivFPS and think this ban sets a bad precedent, as hackers would be more eager to abuse streamers following this verdict by Twitch.
Being abused by the same cheater and stream sniper day in and day out can be brutal. Many in the Apex Legends community believe ShivFPS’ ban was unjustified and that it actually empowers abusers.
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Twitch has not removed his ban even after his second appeal, as of this writing. We’ll update this article with Twitch’s response to the second appeal.