All Amiibo List – The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Abu Bakar Karim
By Abu Bakar Karim
9 Min Read
All Amiibo List - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Learn about all the Amiibo you can get for Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Nintendo users have some really cool perks always to be two-step ahead of the other consoles. And with Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom arrived, these perks are being more useful than ever. One of these perks is the Amiibo figurines. These are NFC-enabled figurines that you can use to interact with the in-game mechanics. And in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you can use these Amiibo figurines to unlock a variety of rewards, including weapons, armor, materials, and paraglider fabrics.

All you have to do is, scan a specific Amiibo figurine, and it will provide you with weapons and materials. Say, by scanning Link’s Amiibo figurine in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you can get some armories and a piece of special fabric for Link’s paraglider.

There are several types of Amiibo figurines you can scan to get a good amount of goodies in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Without further ado, let’s learn about how to use it and how many are out there. Hop in!

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All Amiibo List in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

AmiiboMain ItemsWeaponsMaterials
8-Bit Link (The Legend of Zelda) Pixel Paraglider Fabric
Cap of the Hero
Tunic of the Hero
Trousers of the Hero
Sword of the Hero
Knight’s Broadsword
Soldier’s Shield
Knight’s Shield
Hylian Shroom, Apple, Barrels
Bokoblin (Breath of the Wild) Bokoblin Paraglider FabricBoko Bow
Spiked Boko Bow
Raw Meat, Bokobolin Guts
Daruk (Breath of the Wild) Goron Champion Paraglider Fabric
Vah Rudania Divine Helm
Cobble CrusherOpal, Rock Salt, Flint, Amber, Sapphire
Guardian (Breath of the Wild) Ancient Sheikah Paraglider Fabric
Ancient Blade
Rusty Broadsword
Rusty Claymore
Rusty Halberd
Blackened Crab, Roasted Brass, Iron Box
Ganondorf (Smash Brothers)Demon King Paraglider Fabric
Dusk Claymore
Gerudo Claymore
Bokoblin Guts
Raw Meat, Amber, Opal, Luminous Stone, Star Fragment, Sapphire, Ruby, Topaz, Diamond
Link (Ocarina of Time) Lon Lon Ranch Paraglider Fabric
Cap of Time
Tunic of Time
Trousers of Time
Biggoron Sword
Biggoron’s Sword
Soldier’s Claymore
Raw Meat, Raw Prime Meat
Link Rider (Breath of the Wild) Hylian-Hood Paraglider FabricSoldier’s BroadswordChillshroom, Hearty Truffle, Hylian Shroom, Rushroom, Zapshroom, Stamella Shroom, Skyshroom, Ironshroom, Sunshroom, Brightcap, Razorshroom
Link Archer (Breath of the Wild) Tunic of Memories
Paraglider Fabric
Ancient Blade
Knight’s Bow
Soldier’s Bow
Raw Bird Drumstick, Raw Meat, Raw Bird Thigh, Armored Carp, Mighty Cap, Chillfin Trout, Hyrule Bass, Mighty Porgy, Staminoka Bass
Link (Skyward Sword) Sword-Spirit Paraglider Fabric
Cap of the Sky
Tunic of the Sky
Trousers of the Sky
White Sword of the Sky
Knight’s Broadsword
Knight’s Shield
Soldier’s Shield
Wooden Box
Link (Super Smash Bros.)Mirror of Twilight Paraglider Fabric
Epona Horse
Cap of Twilight
Tunic of Twilight
Trousers of Twilight
Knight’s Broadsword
Soldier’s Shield
Apple, Hydromelon, Chickaloo Tree Nut, Voltfruit, Wildberry, Palm Fruit
Link (Twilight Princess) Mirror of Twilight Paraglider Fabric
Epona Horse
Cap of Twilight
Tunic of Twilight
Trousers of Twilight
Knight’s Broadsword
Soldier’s Shield
Mighty Bananas, Voltfruit, Palm Fruit
Link (Tears of the Kingdom) Champion’s Leathers FabricKnight’s Broadsword
Arro 5x
Brightcap, Chillshroom, Hearty Truffle, Hylian Shroom, Skyshroom
Link (Majora’s Mask) Majora’s Mask Paraglider Fabric
Fierce Deity Mask
Fierce Deity Armor
Fierce Deity Boots
Fierce Deity Sword
Knight’s BroadswordChillshroom, Hearty Truffle, Hylian Shroom, Rushroom, Zapshroom, Stamella Shroom, Skyshroom, Ironshroom, Sunshroom, Brightcap, Razorshroom
Link (Link’s Awakening) Egg Paraglider Fabric
Mask of Awakening
Tunic of Awakening
Trousers of Awakening
Soldier’s BroadswordHylian Shroom, Apple, Barrels
Mipha (Breath of the Wild) Zora Champion Paraglider Fabric
Vah Ruta Divine Helm
Zora SpearArmored Carp, Mighty Cap, Chillfin Trout, Hyrule Bass, Mighty Porgy, Staminoka Bass
Revali (Breath of the Wild) Rito Champion Paraglider Fabric
Vah Medoh Divine Helm
Falcon Bow
Swallow Bow
Silent Princess, Electric Safflina, Swift Carrot, Mighty Thistle, Blue Nightshade, Hyrule Herb, Fortified Pumpkin, Amoranth, Swift Violet
Sheik (Super Smash Bros.) Sheik’s Mask
Sheik Fabric
Phrenic Bow
Eightfold Blade
Shield of the Mind’s eye
Chillshroom, Hearty Truffle, Hylian Shroom, Rushroom
Toon Link (Super Smash Bros.)Wind Hero Armor Set
King of Red Lions Fabric
Sea Breeze Boomerang
Knight’s Broadsword
Armored Carp, Mighty Cap, Chillfin Trout, Hyrule Bass, Mighty Porgy, Staminoka Bass
Toon Link (The Wind Waker)King of Red Lions FabricBoomerang
Sea Breeze Boomerang
Knight’s Broadsword
Armored Carp, Armored Porgy, Chillfin Trout, Sizzlefin Trout, Staminoka Bass
Urbosa (Breath of the Wild)Gerudo Champion Paraglider Fabric
Vah Naboris Divine Helm
Gerudo ScimitarRaw Meat, Raw Prime Meat, Raw Gourmet Meat, Raw Bird Drumstick, Raw Bird Thigh, Raw Whole Bird
Wolf Link (Twilight Princess)Mirror of Twilight Paraglider FabricRaw Meat, Raw Prime Meat, Raw Gourmet Meat, Raw Whole Bird, Seared Gourmet Meat, Roasted Whole Bird
Wild Daruk (Breath of the Wild)Goron Champion Paraglider Fabric
Vah Rudania Divine Helm
Cobble CrusherAmber, Opal, Luminous Stone, Star Fragment, Sapphire, Ruby, Topaz, Diamond
Young Link (Super Smash Bros.)Time Hero Armor
Zora Champion Paraglider Fabric
Biggoron’s Sword
Soldier’s Claymore
Raw Meat, Raw Prime Meat
Zelda (Breath of the Wild)Hyrule Princess Paraglider FabricKnight’s Shield
Soldier’s Shield
Amber, Opal, Luminous Stone, Star Fragment, Sapphire, Ruby, Topaz, Diamond, Silent Princess, Electric Safflina, Swift Carrot, Mighty Thistle, Blue Nightshade, Hyrule Herb, Fortified Pumpkin, Amoranth, Swift Violet
Zelda (Super Smash Bros.)Princess of Twilight FabricDusk Bow
Knight’s Bow
Soldier’s Bow
Amber, Star Fragment, Mighty
Zelda (The Wind Waker)Bygone Royal Paraglider Fabric
Sea Breeze Shield
Soldier’s Shield
Knight’s Shield
Amber, Opal, Luminous Stone, Star Fragment, Sapphire, Ruby, Topaz, Diamond, Silent Princess, Electric Safflina, Swift Carrot, Mighty Thistle, Blue Nightshade, Hyrule Herb, Fortified Pumpkin, Amoranth, Swift Violet
Zelda & Loftwing (Skyward Sword) Goddess Paraglider FabricSoldier’s Bow
Knight’s Bow
Amber, Opal, Luminous Stone, Star Fragment, Sapphire, Ruby, Topaz, Diamond, Silent Princess, Electric Safflina, Swift Carrot, Mighty Thistle, Blue Nightshade, Hyrule Herb, Fortified Pumpkin, Amoranth, Swift Violet
All Amiibo List

How to Use Amiibo in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Amiibo Icon - Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

First, check whether or not Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’s Amiibo support is enabled. Enable it if not from the Options and then select the Amiibo tab.

Next, you have to get the Ultrahand and Ascend ability before you scan the Amiibo figurines. All you have to do is now hold L, and it will bring your Power Wheel. From there, select the Amiibo icon, and you will see a white-marked zone has appeared in front of you.

Now, scan any of the Amiibo figurines for Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom to get the bundle of goodies magically appear on that white zone.

Zelda and Loftwing Amiibo - Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Zelda & Loftwing Amiibo

Amiibo Limitation in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

You can scan Amiibo once per day. If you have un-godly thoughts, the game will show you warnings. However, there is a way for your un-godly thoughts.

Before scanning any Amiibo in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, save the game manually first. Then, scan the Amiibo figurine. If the rewards seems unworthy, reload the saved file and scan another one.

If you want to bypass the daily limit for the Amiibo, simply forward the clock by a day in your console. However, unspeakable consequences may arise if you are greedy.

Nonetheless, Amiibo figurines are a great way to get some rewards in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. And if you are feeling overwhelmed, check out our other guides from Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom;

By Abu Bakar Karim Deputy Guide Editor
AB Karim is the Deputy Editor of the Guide section at GameRiv. With an insatiable love for RPGs and a knack for puns, AB combines his passion for gaming with a professional touch. He has to polish every word with precision; otherwise, he will keep losing health bar. Keep that aside for now, and let's embark on epic quests and unravel mysteries with AB as your trusted guide. Prosst!