Here is a complete list of all the maps in Windjammers 2.
Maps are where everything takes place, and they are one of the most important things inside a game. Along with eleven characters in the Game, Windjammers 2 offers twelve maps to play in. Each Map is impressive, with each being unique. Apart from maps getting rebooted from the original game, we have a lot of new maps joining the lineup. Furthermore, below we have made a complete list of all the maps in the Windjammers 2.
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All the Maps in Windjammers 2
With 12 maps and 11 different characters to play with, players can find difficulty understanding the game. Every player is unique in the game, and so are the maps, with each giving having a different kind of pros and cons. To score a goal, players will have to throw their disc inside the goal areas on the Map.
The red zone will get you 5 points, whereas throwing the disc in the yellow zone will get you three points. Aside from zones, some maps have bumpers or unique conditions, which will also help you win a game. We have discussed below more in detail about All the Maps in Windjammers 2 and how you can use them to your advantage.

The Beach map is a classic map from Windjammers 1 that is making its return to the game. The Map is relatively simple, with three different goal bars on each side. If hit, the corner bars will get you three points, and the red goal bar will get you 5 points. The Map does not have any bumpers or gimmicks, and it is pretty simple.

If you were a fan of the original Game, Tiled is another map that DotEmu has decided to bring back. This Map, however, gives players different goal points when they hit the goal bar. Unlike Beach, hitting the corner goal bars will provide you with 5 points, and the center is worth three points. The Map looks good with the new look of the game, and it will bring nostalgia to a lot of fans who played the first game.

The lawn is the third Map that got rebooted from the original game. The Map looks clean with the grass and logos in between. However, it is similar to Beach in terms of goal bars positions and points. The only difference is there are no goal bars. Instead, the field has a grass of red and yellow color to show you where you can score.

Clay is the fourth Map out of the five returning from the original game. This Map has a similar layout to Beach again. The Map has three goal bars, one in the middle and the rest two covering the rest of the areas. The middle one is red-colored, and it gives you 5 points if you manage to score there. The yellow goal bar area will give your three points. However, the bumpers in between will set you up with some incredible ricochet shots.

The final Map from the original Game is Stadium, and the stadium looks far better than the original, thanks to new graphics quality. The stadium is unique due to the challenge you will go through when playing it. The red goal bar will grow the more the time goes without you scoring a goal. It could help you hit the 5 point mark every time you go behind in terms of scoring points.

Rooftop looks like a different version of Clay, mainly if you look at its style. It has two red corners meaning two red goal bars to snatch 5 points. It also has two added bumpers to help you get those sweet trick shots. The Map looks excellent with its aesthetic of spray paint mix across the field of play.

Like the rooftop, this Map features two bumpers. However, the only difference here is that the bumpers move. It will take precision to become a master at trick shots as you will have to predict your shots and the movement of the bumper. The Map looks excellent, in our opinion, with a street-type theme.

The ring is what the name sounds like, and the Map has a theme of a wrestling ring. While the visuals look great, the Map is pretty simple, with red corner goal bars helping you get that sweet five-point mark. On this Map, you will have to rely on your skill rather than on bumpers to help you get the trick shots.

The arena is one of the least impressive maps in the game as it is the same as a ring with just a Beach-style goal line. The goal markers are similar to Beach, with the red five-pointer mark in the middle and two corners of yellow for three points.

Unlike Arena, Casino is one of the best maps DotEmu has developed for the game. The Map has a beautiful casino theme, with the floor lighting up and blinking in different patterns. What makes the Map even better is the number of points you get depends on the number on the disc you hold, unlike all other maps where the points are on where you manage to throw the Discs.
Disc Attack

This Map is a featured mini-game in Windjammers 2. You can use this Map to practice catching discs coming at you. The Map has a robot who will throw Discs at you, and players will have to stop them or smash the disc to hold your Ground. This Map looks like a junkyard except for the robot in between rather than a player.
Hot Dog Distance

Hot Dog Distance is the second Mini-Game you can play in Windjammers 2. It will help you learn how to control a disc moving it while in motion. The game involves a dog chasing your disc as you throw it and the player controlling it to get the best of the dog. It is a fun mini-game that helps you get better at the game.
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