Riot has revealed the upcoming Camille skin for Lunar New Year 2023, Mythmaker Camille.
Lunar New Year is a celebration of the start of the lunisolar calendars, whose months are based on moon cycles. It is one of the first major cultural events of the year. Additionally, as it is a traditional festival in China, it is also most commonly known as “Chinese New Year.”
Some of the beloved Lunar Skins are Firecracker, Warring Kingdoms, Mecha Kingdoms, Shan Hai, Lunar Wraith, Lunar Beasts, etc.
In Wild Rift’s first major yearly update (like 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), we always receive the Lunar New Year skins. And this year is no exception.
This year for PC League of Legends, Riot revealed a new skin line for Lunar New Year called Mythmaker. This skin line featured six new skin, including a legendary Irelia skin. Similarly, Riot will also release the Mythmaker skin line for Wild Rift, this time with a different roster.
For Wild Rift, Riot has revealed five unique Mythmaker skins. One of the upcoming skins from the said collection will be Mythmaker Camille.
Camille is a solo lane bruiser champion, released on Jun 6, 2020. Moreover, players can also play her in the jungle. Although Camille is a strong champion, she doesn’t get picked often because of her weak early-game potential. But once she reaches level 5, using her ultimate, she can easily 1v1 against any champion she desires. But because of her early game weakness, most people pick jungle Camille as it’s less risky.
Camille only has three unique skins right now. Mythmaker will be the 4th skin she will receive.
Read more: Wild Rift Mythmaker Gwen Legendary Skin: Splash Art, Release Date, and Price.
Mythmaker Camille
Splash Art

Mythmaker Camille Price
Mythmaker Camille will be an Epic skin, costing 990 Wild Cores.
Release Date
The Mythmaker skin line will debut Wild Rift in patch 4.0, scheduled to release on Jan 12, 2023.