Everything you need to know to find Flexwood in LEGO Fortnite
LEGO Fortnite is an immersive co-op survival game that places a strong emphasis on crafting. As you venture, a significant portion of your time will be dedicated to resource gathering. Resources can be obtained through a variety of methods, including hunting mobs and animals, farming and harvesting, as well as mining and cutting, much like in the Battle Royale and Save the World game modes.
Moreover, certain resources serve as gateways to even rarer materials, enabling you to craft higher-tier weapons and tools, as well as upgrade your village. Among these resources is Flexwood, which holds a special significance. This guide focuses on Flexwood, where to locate it and how to effectively mine it.
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How to Get Flexwood in LEGO Fortnite
You can find Flexwood in the Dry Valley/Desert Biome. It can be gathered by chopping down the brigh green Cacti spread throughout the Biome. However, before venturing into these lands, you’ll want to make some preparations.

Cool-Headed Charm
The Dry Valley has high temperatures, so you’ll need some cooling items to maintain your character’s body temperature.
To counter the heat of the Dry Valley, you can bring along the Cool-Headed Charm. To craft this charm, you’ll need the following resources (depending on the rarity of the charm):
- Uncommon:
- 3x Silk Thread.
- 1x Marble.
- 3x Sand Shell.
- Rare:
- 3 Heavy Wool Thread.
- 5 Frost Shell.
- 1 Sand Brute Scale.
- 3 Malachite Slabs.

Furthermore, you’ll need to upgrade your crafting bench before you can craft these charms. (Uncommon for the uncommon variant and vice versa).
Alternatively, you can also travel to the biome at nightime, when there is no heat. However, you will have to fight some strong enemies if you take this route.
Mine Flexwood
To chop down the cacti and harvest Flexwood, you’ll need a Rare Forest Axe. Axes of lower tiers will not damage the cacti.
To craft a Rare Forest Axe, you’ll need to upgrade your Crafting Bench to Rare tier. You’ll need the following materials for this:
- 12x Knotroot Rod
- 15x Marble Slab
- 6x Sand Claw
- 3x Sand Shell
After you’ve upgraded your Crafting Bench, you’ll need the following materials to craft a Rare Forest Axe:
- 5x Cut Amber
- 3x Knotroot Rod

Converting to Flexwood Rods
To make use of your Flexwood, you’ll need to process it first. To do this, you’ll need a Lumber Mill which you can build using the following materials:
- 8x Wood
- 15x Granite.

Interact with the Lumber Mill and deposit your Flexwood to turn them into Flexwood Rods.
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