V Rising: All Console Commands & Cheats

Abu Bakar Karim
By Abu Bakar Karim
7 Min Read
V Rising: All Console Commands & Cheats

Where there are consoles, there are commands for cheats, and V Rising is no exception. To make you less worried about items and control over certain things, one or two cheats won’t harm anyone, right?

We tend to get tired now and then. Well, we are scavenging for specific resources and materials. Truth to be told, we also like to enjoy experimenting. Now, what experiment, you might ask. Definitely getting control over the command panel of the game. Indeed, even the kids will lose their minds when the sandcastle breaks down, and they have to rebuild it. That is precisely where these commands for cheats come in.

Now about these console commands for cheats in V Rising. You need to set up your own server. This will get you the privilege of an admin. After that, it’s just a matter of backtick (`). Press it, put the required commands, get resources and materials handful, and make sandcastles as many times you want. Let’s get you into the sub-categories for each type to learn more about the codes. But before that, I want to show you how you can set up the command panel from scratch.

How to Enable Console Commands and Cheats

Let’s say, to enable the console commands, you need a world of your own, as I have mentioned already. It is just some steps away to be activated. Follow these steps accordingly:

  • Launch V Rising
  • Start in Private mode
  • Pause the game and head to General from Options
  • Tick “Console Enable”
  • Back to the game again. Now, search for the backtick (`), just below the Esc. Found it?
  • You will see the Console panel has appeared right in front of you. Now, type adminauth. Hit that enter.

Now, my fellow night creature, you have the privilege of an admin. Let’s see now what I have for you in my bag of commands.

All Console Commands & Cheats


We will see a lot of commands and cheats in this section. To start with, let me introduce you to the most precious ones. You can have any resources, any materials, anything, you name it, just by typing this command:

  • Giveset (what): Gives player the specific item set
  • Give (amount): Gives player the particular amount of items

Press the backtick (`) again. After the command panel shows up, hit that space. You will see a list of all the available items for you to go through. You have to write one the commands down, write up the item and amount if necessary, and hit that enter. Vola! That item is in your inventory in less than the blink of your eye. Let’s see what more I have to offer, fellow night creature.


Let’s say you want to get efficient with your movements. Time is not your friend, and you want to take that as an advantage. Well, these commands are just for you.

  • TeleportPlayerToMe: Teleports another player to your location
  • TeleportToPlayer: You teleport to a random player’s location
  • TeleportToChunkWaypoint (Put the coordinate here): You teleport to a specific waypoint

Now, the coordinations are here to take you to specific waypoints. I have sorted out the list of waypoints and their coordination. Just put the designated coordination argument after the command.

  • Farbane Woods (West): 9, 10
  • Farbane Woods (Northeast): 14, 11
  • Farbane Woods (Southeast): 14, 8
  • Farbane Woods (Southwest): 8, 8
  • Dunley Farmlands (Southwest): 9, 13
  • Dunley Farmlands (East): 12, 15
  • Dunley Farmlands (Southeast): 13, 13
  • Silverlight Hills: 6, 16
  • Hallowed Mountains: 15, 13
  • Cursed Forest: 13, 19

Clan Commands

These commands below are designated for online purposes. Look out for what you want.

  • Bancharacter (Character Name): Ban a player
  • Banuser (Steam ID): Ban a player with Steam ID
  • Banned: Ban list
  • Unban (User Index): Unban a player
  • Listusers: List of all players on the server
  • Clanaccept: Accept clan invitation
  • Clandecline: Decline clan invitation
  • Clanleave: Leave clan
  • Kick (Character Name): Kick a player

Game UI

  • Alias (Alias, Command): Create an alias
  • RemoveAlias (Alias): Delete existing alias
  • Bind (Key Combination, Command): Create new key binding
  • Unbind (Key Combination): Delete existing keybinding
  • ClearTempBindings: Clear temporary key bindings
  • Clear: Clear text from the console
  • Hidecursor (Unnamed Argument): Hide or reveal the mouse cursor
  • List (Optional: Category): List of all the console commands
  • Localization (Language): Language setup
  • Motionblur (Unnamed Argument): Turn off/on motion blur
  • MultiCommand (Commands): Execute multiple commands. Remember to split them a semicolon (;)


  • Setmipmaplevel (Unnamed Argument, Unnamed Argument)
  • ToggleSetting (Setting Name, Optional Setting Values)
  • Startbuildwallpaper (Unnamed Argument)
  • DumpDynamicBufferMemoryInfo (Which)
  • DumpBlobAssetMemoryInfo (Which)
  • DumpSystemMemory (Which, AlsoLogToConsole)
  • DebugViewEnabled (Unnamed Argument)
  • Printactivesounds
  • DumpChunkFragmentation (Which, ExtraDebugging)
  • Setresolution (Unnamed Argument, Unnamed Argument)
  • DumpQueryArchetypes (Which, OnlyRequired, AlsoLogToConsole)
  • Printallsequences
  • Printsunvfxstate
  • JobThreads (Threads)
  • Setsystemenabled (Which, Unnamed Argument, Enabled)
  • Toggleobserve (Mode)
  • PrintDynamicResSettings
  • DumpEntityQueries (Which)
  • Lowqualityatmosphere (Unnamed Argument)
  • DumpArchetypeInformation (Which, Num to print, Full info)
  • CreateDebugDump
  • DumpEntity (World, Entity, Full Dump)
  • Logdestroyevents (Which, State)
  • PerformanceTestChunks (Jump Distance, Test Mode)
  • GcCollect
  • Adminonlydebugevents (Unnamed Argument)
  • CreatePerformanceDump
  • OpenCrashDumpFolder
  • UnloadUnusedAssets
  • Texturestreamingmaxlevelreduction (Unnamed Argument)
  • ClientBuildingDebugging (Unnamed Argument)
  • Printdestroyevents (Which)
  • Copy (Command)
  • ToggleDebugViewCategory (Unnamed Argument)
  • GarbageCollectArchetypes (Which)
  • DumpPrefabGUIDEntities (World, Component, Include Disabled, Include Prefabs)
  • MeasureSystemPerformance (Unnamed Argument)
  • Depthoffield (Unnamed Argument)
  • OpenLogsFolder
  • DumpEverything (Which)
  • DumpComponentMemoryInfo (Which)
  • Texturestreamingenabled (Unnamed Argument)
  • Performchunkdefragmentation (Which)
  • Printactivesequences
  • CopyDebugDump
  • CopyPositionDump
  • Texturestreamingmemorybudget (Unnamed Argument)
  • Useoptimizedqueries (Which, State)

I hope you packed almost all commands and cheats of V Rising. Remember, fellow night creature, though you walk at night, sit at least 25cm away from the monitor. Prost, mate!

Read More: Best Armor Sets in V Rising | Best Abilities in V Rising | V Rising Weapon Tier List: All Weapons Ranked from Worst to Best

By Abu Bakar Karim Deputy Guide Editor
AB Karim is the Deputy Editor of the Guide section at GameRiv. With an insatiable love for RPGs and a knack for puns, AB combines his passion for gaming with a professional touch. He has to polish every word with precision; otherwise, he will keep losing health bar. Keep that aside for now, and let's embark on epic quests and unravel mysteries with AB as your trusted guide. Prosst!