Mind Flayer Parasite Specimens are the things you get affected with at the start of the game. And throughout the game, you will find more of them. Here is how to use them in the game.
Baldur’s Gate 3 gives the player a lot of freedom in their choices. Each encounter can be tackled differently, depending on your imagination and strategy. Each dialogue option can result in a unique response. You can even kill different mini-bosses by tricking them into killing themselves without fighting.
One of the choices the game gives you as a player is whether you want to use the evil power you gained from the parasite or not. You will find many different parasite specimens on your playthrough. It is your choice if you want to use those parasites to make yourself stronger without worrying about the consequences. If you choose to power up using the parasite, here is how to do it.
Find Mind Flayer Parasite Specimens in BG3
Anyone with a parasite in their brain is called an “Absolute.” In the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, the cult of the Absolute has quite a few members with the parasite. You can get their parasite after killing them. And if you follow the story mission and kill the leaders, you will get a few parasites from them. But you need to decide if you want to use it or not.
During the game’s first act, you will find a person who died in an Owlbear attack. On this corpse, you will find the first parasite. If you take the parasite, you will be notified that you cannot use it, but you will know when to use it.
Using Mind Flayer Parasite Specimens
After finding the first specimen, as you progress and take long rests, you will be visited by a dreamer who will ask you to power yourself using the parasites. After that, you will unlock a new skill tree. A parasite icon on the side of the map denotes the skill tree. You can click the icon to access the tree and use any mind-flayer parasite you have to empower yourself.