Riot has revealed the upcoming ADC item changes coming in patch 13.2.
At the start of every season of League of Legends, we always see considerable changes in roles. And the season is no exception.
Compared to season 12, in season 13, we have received many role changes. Riot made these changes for season 13 to make all the roles more intuitive, like changing gold and XP for solo lanes and adding jungle pets for the jungle. But the role that barely received any changes is the ADC.
ADC has been considered the weakest role in League of Legends in recent seasons. Additionally, some of their initial issues are their durability and their items. Because of their weak durability, Riot released a huge durability update last year. Though this update did end up fixing ADC’s sustain problem, their item issue was yet to be fixed.
The problem with the ADC items is that they are not satisfying to use. Furthermore, there are ADC items like Immortal Shieldbow; instead of ADCs, fighters like Irelia and Yasuo build these items more. Even marksman mythic like Kraken Slayer is the prime mythic for Master Yi and Bel’Veth.
Because of ADC’s weak status in the game, RiotPhreak announced some massive ADC changes coming in patch 13.2.
Read more: Riot Plans To Have More than One ASU Per Year.
ADC Changes Patch 13.2
- Ashe
- Mana scaling: 32 >>> 35
- Mana regen scaling: .4 >>> .65
- Caitlyn
- Mana scaling:: 35 >>> 40
- Mana regen scaling:: .55 >>> .7
- Ezreal
- Mana regen scaling: .65 >>> 1
- Jhin
- W – Deadly Flourish mana cost: 50-90 >>> 50-70
- E – Captive Audience mana cost: 30-50 >>> 30
- Jinx
- Base mana :: 245 >>> 260
- Mana growth :: 45 >>> 50
- W – Zap! mana cost :: 50-90 >>> 50-70
- Kai’Sa
- Base mana :: 344.88 >>> 345
- Mana scaling :: 38 >>> 40
- Mana regen scaling: .45 >>> .7
- Lucian
- Base mana :: 349 >>> 340
- Mana growth :: 38 >>> 45
- Base mana regen :: 8.18 >>> 8
- Mana regen growth: .7 >>> .85
- Miss Fortune
- Mana growth :: 35 >>> 40
- Mana regen :: 8.05 >>> 8
- Mana regen growth: .65 >>> .8
- Senna
- Mana regen growth: .4 >>> .7
- Sivir
- Mana scaling :: 40 >>> 45
- W – Ricochet mana cost : 60-80 >>> 60
- Twitch
- Base mana :: 287.2 >>> 300
- Mana regen scaling: .45 >>> .7
- Xayah
- Mana regen scaling: .75 >>> .8
Thirteen different ADC champions receive buffs in the following patch, 13.2. And all of them are mana-related buffs. Similar to many mages in the early game, most ADC also struggle in mana conservation in the early game. That’s why ADCs like Ezreal and Sivir often opt for Tear of the Goddess as their starting item because of their pitiful mana pool and scaling.
Overall, this buff will be an excellent quality of life for the ADCs.
ADC Item Changes Patch 13.2
- Bloodthirster
- Life steal: 18% >>> 15%
- Shield: 50-320 scaling from level 1 >>> 180-450 scaling from level 9.
- Total Cost: 3400 >>> 3200
- Blade of the Ruined King
- Ranged on-hit damage :: 8% >>> 9%
- Infinity Edge
- Required crit chance :: 60% >>> 40%
- Navori Quickblades
- Required crit chance :: 60% >>> 40%
Of all the items, Bloodthirster received the most substantial buff out of them all. Although Riot nerfed the Life steal aspect of the item from 18% to 15%, Bloodthirster’s cost reduction makes the item more accessible. Furthermore, Riot will also buff the Overheal rune from the Precision page, which is an overall buff to the ADC role.
And the shield adjustment isn’t a nerf to the item, as no one buys Bloodthirster as their first item. They usually buy the Bloodthirster as one of their last items. And for that reason, it is an overall buff, as Riot buffed the late-game shield from 320 to 450.
Blade of the Ruined King is an item that mostly the bruiser and the non-ADC champion use. So Riot had to make sure not to buff the item too much where it is also oppressive in other lanes. So Riot did a minor buff to its on-hit damage from 8% to 9%.
Infinity Edge and Navori Quickblades, meanwhile, received the same buff. Now both items, instead of requiring a minimum of 60% crit chance to proc their passive, now they require a 40% crit chance. Overall, it is a massive buff, as with this change, buying Infinity Edge or Navori Quickblade as the 2nd item is viable. Before, their passive were useless if you bought them as the second item since they required a minimum of 60% crit chance.
Release Date
These ADC changes will launch on patch 13.2, scheduled to release on Wednesday, Jan 25, 2023.