The new Preseason is bringing in Top Lane Changes. Let’s talk about what we know so far.
The top lane has had quite a few shifts this year, depending on which meta we are talking about. The teleport changes earlier this year changed Top Lane quite a bit, making it more isolated and more one vs. one. That is the current state of the top lane, and Riot wants to change that by bringing new changes. Let’s talk about those changes.
Preseason 2023 Top Lane Changes
With the top lane being more 1v1 heavy, Riot decided to enhance the advantages teams can get through the top lane. Here are the announced changes.
- Solo Lanes will now get more due to a change, making a 95% experience multiplier from minions instead of the 93% previously.
- Bot lane duo will receive a reduced bonus experience multiplier of 22% from minions compared to the previous 24.73.
- Mid Lane minions will be worth 1 less gold for the first 14 minutes of the game when last hit.
The motivation behind the changes is to help top laners scale faster into the game and get items faster than mid and bot lane. These changes will surely make next year the top lane meta. The overall increase of XP, in addition to more gold earned compared to the mid-lane will become a key factor for Season 13.
Top laners are finally getting a lot of shine after being relegated to the weakside most of the time. We will update you on more changes if it appears after Preseason.