How to Unlock All Party Members in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth (LAD 8)

Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury
3 Min Read
Credit: farizf (DeviantArt)

Everything you need to know to recruit all Party Members in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth is a massive RPG that brings back and fleshes out all the mechanics introduced to the series in Yakuza: Like A Dragon, where the series diverted from an action beat-em-up gameplay to turn-based combat of classic JRPGs. To even the playing field, you have party members who assist you in battle.

Read More: How Long To Beat Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Like its predecessors, Infinite Wealth has a colorful cast of characters as well as a variety of party members that you can recruit, all of whom have unique abilities and personalities.

Furthermore, the game also sees the reintroduction of past series protagonist Kazuma Kiryu, who can also be recruited to your party (and has an ability that bypasses the turn-based combat, turning the gameplay into classic Yakuza).

This guide lists every party member you can recruit and how to recruit them.

Recruiting All Party Members in LAD 8

There are a total of 9 party members, and you can unlock each of them by simply playing through the main story. Thus, there is no way you can miss any of these characters, as there are no hidden characters you can unlock.

Below is the list of every Party Member you’ll unlock in the game, the chapters they’ll be unlocked on, and their starting jobs.

Party MembersUnlock ChapterStarting Job
Kazuma KiryuChapter 3: The FoolDragon of Dojima
Eric TomizawaChapter 3: The FoolCabbie
Chitose FujinomiyaChapter 4: In the GhettoHeiress
Yu NanbaChapter 1: Doin’ the Best I Can (Temporary), Chapter 7: Trouble (Rejoin)Homeless Guy
Koichi AdachiChapter 1: Doin’ the Best I Can (Temporary), Chapter 7: Trouble (Rejoin)Detective
SeonheeChapter 8: Return to SenderAssassin
Saeko MukodaChapter 1: Doin’ the Best I Can (Temporary), Chapter 8: Return to Sender (Rejoin)Barmaid
Tianyou ZhaoChapter 10: Don’t Be CruelMafia
Joongi HanChapter 10: Don’t Be CruelHitman
Party Members

Read More: Multiplayer Features of Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth Explained

By Muhibul Alam Chowdhury Guide Writer
Muhibul Alam Chowdhury is a Guide writer at GameRiv.