Tyler1 may have lost his Riot-Affiliated status.
League of Legends is overall a pretty fun game. It has many champions to choose from and offers a satisfying gameplay loop. That said, the game can be pretty frustrating sometimes. Playing a game with three to four random strangers can lead to some frustrating moments. Even typically, nontoxic players can lash out if the situation is dire enough. And this has been the case for the popular Twitch streamer Tyler1.
Tyler1 is a very popular stream in the League of Legends community. He is a very skilled player that has reached challenger in all five roles in the North American server. However, recently he went to Europe to climb to Challenger in the EU West server. But unlike the NA server, he had some hiccups while climbing the notoriously toxic EUW server.
Players have frequently been trolling and running it down in Tyler1’s games. The problem had gone so bad that Tyler had to play some of his games off stream to climb property. Tyler had reported these players multiple times, but nothing happened. In frustration, Tyler lashed out against Riot and verbally attacked the company. After Tylers has climb had ended, many screenshots of him writing slurs in the game surfaced. Which led to Riot punishing Tyler and where his no longer being Riot affiliated comes from.
Read More: How To Report Players In-Game
Tyler1 On No Longer Being Riot-Affiliated Streamer
Tyler1 recently, in one of his streams, came out and said that he might not be Riot-Affiliated for a long time. Riot had sent Tyler1 a long email warning him of his recent behavior. He, in response, said that he did not care. This was pretty unprofessional, but considering what Tyler had to go through in the EUW server, it’s a pretty normal response.
Riot has always been very strict regarding toxicity, especially if it’s a streamer, and Tyler’s case is no different. But is Riot punishing Tyler1 justified?