With over 2500 Icons to choose from in League of Legends, here are our picks for the top ten.
Summoner Icons in League of Legends are cosmetic items that players can display on their profile. They allow players to showcase their accomplishments, preferences, and style in the game. Each player can show off the Icons they have obtained on their profile, in-game scoreboards and even during loading screens. These icons, in a sense, also represent the player visually. So, basically, they are the League equivalent of Profile Pictures.
Players are given a bunch of Summoner Icons for free when they start a new account. But in order to obtain more Icons, players must either directly purchase them from the shop or participate in Events that give out more icons.
In League of Legends’ decade-old lifetime, Riot Games has released over 2500 icons. Although most of them are tied to events and are not currently available, there are some good ones that are still around.
In this article, we will go through all the Icons that the game has to offer and pick out the top ten Icons we think will elevate your profile aesthetics.
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Here’s a list of the top 10 Icons in League of Legends,
But first, we just want to say it is not easy to choose the best among 2500 icons. Also, we tried to keep it so that most of the icons in the list are still obtainable. So you can buy the ones you truly like.
10. Transcendent

- Release Date: 2017
- Price: 250 RP
Released in 2017, the ‘Transcendent‘ icon is one of the most elegant Icons in League of Legends. The two fishes in the Icon represent the symbol for Yin-Yang, the Light and the Dark. You can pick up the Icon from the shop for 250 RP.
9. Lion Banner

- Release Date: 2018
- Price: 250 RP
The ‘Lion Banner’ Icon came out in 2018 with the God-King Garen/Darius skins. The blue theme of this icon looks great on most profiles; it looks especially good if you use a bluish background as well.
This icon is still available on the Shop for 250 RP.
8. Wolf Banner

- Release Date: 2018
- Price: 250 RP
The ‘Wolf Banner’ icon was released with the previously mentioned Lion Vs. Wolf event. Again, you can set up your profile with a Red background or Dark background, and it will look amazing. This is another icon that is available to purchase.
7. Master Beta Tester

- Release Date: 2009
- Price: Unavailable
This rare icon was given out to the Top 500 of the League of Legends closed beta test players.
Pat yourself on the back for owning this icon, as you have directly contributed to League of Legends reaching where it stands now. Despite looking pretty outdated, the icon still holds value among the League community.
6. Orbital Laser

- Release Date: 2015
- Price: 250 RP
Orbital Laser is a special type of icon. It is a legacy icon released in 2015 for the then-newly released URF game mode.
Equipping this icon causes executions in games to have special effects. Whenever you would kill someone, lasers would come down from the sky and execute the enemies. It’s a very cool effect and makes your URF experience even better.
5. 2013 Challenger

- Release Date: 2013
- Price: Unavailable
The 2013 ‘Challenger’ icon is the first challenger icon given by Riot. Players who had reached the coveted rank of Challenger in Season Three were given this Icon.
Because of how hard it is to reach Challenger, it remains one of the most elusive icons in the game. It is also the perfect Icon to inflict fear on your opponents. But even if you don’t have it, any Challenger icon is worth showing off.
4. Dark Star Thresh

- Release Date: 2016
- Price: 250 RP
This creepy-looking Icon is a portrait of the Iconic Dark Star Thresh skin. It is also a reminder of the limited-time game mode Dark Star Singularity that comes with the skin.

- Release Date: 2017
- Price: 250 RP
There are so many summoner icons related to different champions and events that it is hard to choose a favorite. But the PROJECT Jhin has to be up there as one of the best icons.
Also, this icon is available for purchase in the shop for 250 RP.
2. Archlight Yorick

- Release Date: 2017
- Price: 250 RP
The ‘Archlight Yorick’ is another beautiful icon. It is available on the market for purchase. It looks better, especially with a ranked border. This is one of the best icons, in our opinion.
1. Perfect Ascension

The ‘Perfect Ascension’ icon is one of the best summoner icons in the game and one of the rarest, and it is related to the old Ascension game mode.
The Ascension game mode was a rotating game mode where each team fought to become ascended. To obtain this icon, you had to deny the enemy team from being ascended once during a game.
With that, we have our Top 10 Best Icons in League of Legends 2024.