Are you searching for Aaron’s Locker in Stellar Blade? If yes, then search no further, here’s Aaron’s Locker location.
If you’re struggling to locate Aaron’s Locker after “Looking for My Brother” side quest, then trust me, you’re not alone. Firstly, let’s address the elephant in the room: despite finding Aaron’s passcode during the quest, the game unfortunately doesn’t provide any clues about the locker’s whereabouts. However, I’ve searched for hours to locate Aaron’s Locker. But you don’t have to do that, because I’ll give you the exact Aaron’s Locker location in Stellar Blade.
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Where is Aaron’s Locker in Stellar Blade?
Aaron’s Locker is located near the Bulletin Board in Xion. Here’s how you can get there:
Long Way
1. Exit the Bulletin Board Alleyway: You need to leave the Bulletin Board Allayway and turn right.
2. Head Down the Path: You should now go straight, and eventually come across a set of stairs. Don’t use the stairs, just keep going.

3. Take a Left at the Intersection: After reaching the intersection, take a left turn and enter the tunnel.
4. Proceed to the End of the Tunnel: Just keep going until you reach the end of the tunnel, where you’ll spot a locker shutter and a passcode terminal.

Short Way
1. Go Straight from the Bulletin Board: You need to go straight from the Bullet Board until you see stairs to your right which leads to down alley.
2. Jump on to the Roof: Don’t go down the stairs. You should jump onto the railing beside the stairs. Then you need to jump over to the left roof to your left.

3. Jump to 2nd and 3rd Roof: After you get on the roof to your left, you will spot two roofs in front of you. Jump to the 2nd roof, then jump to the 3rd roof, then jump to the corridor in front of you.

How to Unlock Aaron’s Locker
Now that you’ve found the locker, here’s how you can unlock it:
1. Interact with the Passcode Terminal: The first thing you should do when you see the locker is to interact with the Passcode Terminal. An input screen will open up.

2. Enter the Passcode “αζαζαζ”: Now you just need to input this αζαζαζ as the passcode.
3. Watch the Shutter Open: After entering the passcode correctly, the locker will open.
What are the rewards?

When you open the Aaron’s Locker, you’ll get valuable crafting resources like:
- Extreme Nano Elements,
- Advanced Nano Elements, and
- Nano Elements.
There you have it. You can now easily locate and unlock Aaron’s Locker in Stellar Blade.
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