Steamworld Heist 2: How To Get All The Hats

Md Obyead
By Md Obyead
5 Min Read
Credit: Thunderful Group

Which hat goes with your style?

From a list of 101 hats to choose from, Steamworld Heist 2 lets its players decide what kind of style they are looking to roll with. Follow the story of Captain Leeway and his crew as they sail across the Great Sea, trying to solve the mystery of the seawater turning volatile. While you are on this journey, you will come across many enemies and companions you can recruit.

All of these will have customization options to make them even more powerful. One of this customization is Hats, which you can obtain by defeating enemies and through shops. Of course, collecting 101 hats can be a tough ask, but for the customization you might encounter, it is fully worth it.

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How to Get Hats Steamworld Heist 2

Before we get into how many hats there are, let’s dive into what hats are and how we obtain them. Of all the enemies you encounter in the game, each one of them will have a hat of their own. Now, to obtain these hats, all you need to do is shoot them in the head, and the hats will pop right off.

Players can pick these up and use them as long as they want, only if they complete the mission. Watch out, however, since enemies can knock off your hats, too, depriving you of the style. Hats can also be bought from shops throughout the Great Sea. Some of these hats are also unique and can be only obtained if you finish certain missions.

All Hats in Steamworld Heist 2

All Hats in Steamworld Heist 2
Credit: Thunderful Group
Hat NameHat TypeEnemy
Navy Soldier CapCommon hatSoldier
Elite Soldier CapCommon hatElite Soldier
Machinegunner HatCommon hatMachinegunner
Elite Machinegunner HatCommon hatElite Machinegunner
Shotgunner HatCommon hatShotgunner
Elite Shotgunner HatCommon hatElite Shotgunner
Sniper GoggleCommon hatSniper
Swordman’s HatCommon hatSwordsman
Elite Swordsman’s HatCommon hatElite Swordsman
Commander HatCommon hatNavy Commander
Elite Commander HatCommon hatElite Commander
The BonaparteCommon hatNavy Commander (variant)
Navy Guard HatCommon hatGuard
Elite Guard HatCommon hatElite Guard
Blue Rotating BeaconCommon hatPatrol Bot
Heated PropellerCommon hatFloating Fire Bot
Recruit HatCommon hatRecruit
Complex Navy HatBoss HatCommander Batterfaux
Glorious PompadourBoss Hat“Fabio” Bosses

Rattler Hats

Hat NameHat TypeEnemy
Small Spiky HelmetCommonSwab
Cool CubeCommonIce Swab
Fur-Lined Seashell HatCommonIce Machinegunner
Occult Bone ConeCommonTotem Bearer
Occult Retribution ConeCommonRetribution Totem Bearer
Occult Conductor ConeCommonConductor Totem Bearer
Bull HornsCommonBerserker
Frosty PropellerCommonIce Skelebot

Unique Hats

Hat NameLocationEnemy Type
Pilot HatForebot FarsightFerried Firearms
Army HelmetNavy UnitFerried Firearms
Safari HatRandom LocationRandom Enemy
Floppy HatIllicit MachinationsBig Steve
Propeller CapLet’s Get This Parley StartedLord Admiral Piston
Crown of ThornsBrig Gig Rattler Unit
Bird NestBrig GigRattler Unit
Paper HatRandomRattler Unit
Fire HelmetRandomRattler Unit

Vanity Hats

Hat NameLocationGallons
Fruity Hat
The Convenient Chapeaux (Shiner’s Cove)
Green Screen
The Convenient Chapeaux (Shiner’s Cove)
Snorkeling Gear
The Convenient Chapeaux (Shiner’s Cove)
Straw Hat
The Convenient Chapeaux (Shiner’s Cove)
Purple BandanaThe Convenient Chapeaux (East Caribbea)150
Top HatThe Convenient Chapeaux (East Caribbea)150
Magical HornThe Convenient Chapeaux (East Caribbea)150
Wicked ShadesThe Convenient Chapeaux (East Caribbea)250

Story Mission Hats

Hat NameHow to Obtain
Captain’s HatMain Mission
Krakenbane’s HatMain Mission
Rebellious BeretGo towards The Royal Blue after defeating Piston

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By Md Obyead Deputy Roblox Editor
Md Obyead is the Deputy Editor of the Roblox section at GameRiv. Obyead has a passion for writing articles, scripts, and poems. He lives with one quote in life "With hardwork, dedication and will power you can get anywhere in the world."