Star Wars Jedi: Survivor – All Fish Locations

Tanim Hasan
By Tanim Hasan
5 Min Read
Credit: Respawn Entertainment

Star Wars Jedi: Survivors has a lot of collectibles for you to find. Fishes are one of them. All the collected fish are stored in a tank inside Greez’s cantina. Here are all the fish locations in the game.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivors is the prequel to the previous game. This one takes the format of the older game and builds upon it. Nearly everything has been expanded to a great degree. More cosmetics, more collectibles, more quests, and more things to do in general. Most of the planets this time are massive too.

Unlike the previous game, Star Wars Jedi: Survivors has a home base on the first big planet you visit called Koboh. You find Greez in his cantina, which becomes your home base. So naturally, you will have options to decorate the place, although in a limited capacity.

This is where the fishes come in. You can make a whole rooftop garden in this game. And since the cantina has a big fish tank, you can collect fish for the fish tank too. So, in this guide, we will let you know all the fish locations in Star Wars Jedi: Survivors.

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All Fish Locations in Star Wars Jedi: Survivors

You can find 12 different fishes in Star Wars Jedi: Survivors. 10 of them can be found on Koboh, while the other two are on the planet Jedha. Here is a table showing where you can get each fish in the game.

credit: respawn
Fish NameFish LocationPlanetHow to Reach
Barbed HookfishSmuggler’s TunnelsKobohFollow the tunnel until you reach the underground pond. There Skoova will be waiting for you.
Big-Mouth FaaRift PassageKobohThis fish is right beside the meditation point of Rift Passage.
Blinding RayfishDevastated SettlementKobohFrom the meditation point, use a Relter to fly and reach the highest area. There is a rock formation containing water and a fish inside it.
Blue-Finned CrayfishBygone SettlementKobohFrom this meditation point, go through the area until you reach the very end of the area. This area has some Nekko pools where the fish lies.
Fingertip GarponRambler’s Reach OutpostKobohYou will find Skoova fishing near the Nekko stable. Go to him and get the fish from there.
Frilled NewtGorge Crash SiteKobohGo to the mediation point in this area, and you will find Skoova right there. Talk to him and get the fish.
Glottsamcrab Viscid BogKobohIn the middle of the bog, there is a hut. In front of that hut is a ledge where you can drop down to get your fish.
Mee FishMountain AscentKobohFrom the meditation point there, go through the green barrier and reach the waterfall. Under the waterfall has a pond with your fish in it.
See FishFoothills FallsKobohThis is the place where you recruit Skoova. Talk to him a 2nd time while recruiting or return for the 2nd time to obtain the fish there.
Viscid LurkerPhon’Qi CavernsKobohFrom the cavern’s meditation point, travel through the cavern until you reach a Rancour. After defeating it, go to the next room and drop several floors avoiding exploding plants to reach the fish.
Fantailed Laa FishCrypt of UhrmaJedhaComplete the puzzle in the Crypt. Then you will have to fight Sutaban Alpha. After defeating him, you will find a green barrier that leads to the fish.
Snakefish Arid FlatsJedhaFrom the Anchorite Base mediation point, go to the left. There you will find Skoova fishing with his boat.

These are all the fishes you can find in Star Wars Jedi: Survivors. It is good to mention that you will need to recruit Skoova Stev before you can hunt for fish. You cannot get the fish without his presence, even if you reach the right area.

Looking for more Star Wars Jedi: Survivor content? Check out our article on All Mounts and Vehicles, All Voice ActorsHow Long To Beat The Game, and much more!

By Tanim Hasan Guide Writer
Tanim Hasan is a Guide Writer at GameRiv working on various games which consists of mostly new releases. His favourite genre is Hack and Slash, and Souls Like. But he is open to play any game regardless of the genre. So he has experience with most genres of games.