Riot Nerfs Sion on LoL Patch 13.13

Fahim Shahriar
By Fahim Shahriar
2 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

Sion is finally getting nerfed in Patch 13.13.

Riot intends to make significant changes to the metagame with the upcoming 13.13 Patch. They’re closely examining the current Top Lane meta and buffing and nerfing some of the champions. One of the champions they are looking into is Sion.

Sion has been a staple in the Top lane since Riot buffed him earlier in the year. In Patch 13.1, Riot increased his Base Health and buffed his Q – Decimating Smash damage, resulting in him having a solid early game. With the added Health, he could easily survive almost any Top Lane matchup, and extra damage on his Q meant he could waveclear reliably. The changes pushed him to the top of the meta in both Solo-Queue and Professional Play.

Having said that, Sion has been one of the strongest Top Laners for the past six months, with no nerfs in sight. But recently, Riot announced they would finally nerf him in Patch 13.13.

Read More: Riot Nerfs Ghost on LoL Patch 13.13

Patch 13.13 Sion Nerfs

  • Q min base damage reduced from 40 – 120 to 35 – 115
  • Q max base damage reduced from 90 – 350 to 85 – 325
  • W base shield reduced from 60 – 160 to 60 – 140

Sions Q – Decimating Smash base damage is taking a hit both in the early and late game. This would result in less wave clear early game and should affect some of his late-game dueling power.

His W – Soul Furnace is getting some of its late-game shield reduced. The 20 shield nerfs are pretty minuscule and should not affect him much.

By Fahim Shahriar League of Legends Writer
Shahriar is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv. He enjoys playing Video Games, watching Anime, and browsing the internet for outdated memes.