Riot Set To Do More Role Balancing Changes in League of Legends

Fahim Shahriar
By Fahim Shahriar
3 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

Riot is planning on doing more role-balancing changes in the future.

A game of League of Legends consists of five roles. These roles are Top Lanes, Jungle, Mid Lane, Bot Lane and Support. Each of these five roles has its own responsibilities, playstyle, and objectives. And these five roles must work together to achieve victory.

Although cooperation among all five roles is greatly encouraged, it is not always necessary, as some roles in the game fare better than others. The prime example that comes to mind is the Jungle role.

The Jungle role is clearly stronger than other roles. A good Jungler can single-handedly carry a game, which few roles can do. Even Riot has come out and said that Jungle is 20% stronger than other roles in the game.

This kind of role imbalance has been a significant issue for the game and has been a big topic of contention throughout the season. So, Riot has recently come out and shed some light on the subject.

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Future Role Balancing Changes

In a recent Dev Blog, Riot shared some of their thoughts about role balancing and their plans for it in the near future. According to Riot, Top Lane and Bot Lane are currently in similar power levels when it comes to Solo Queue. Although Bot Lane performs slightly better in the higher levels as they are able to better coordinate with their team and absorb pressure without dying.

When it comes to Professional Play, Top Lane is slightly on a lower power level, and due to how the role interacts with Jungle, Top laners feel as if they have no agency. Bot Lane, on the other hand, is close to the right power level. But Riot is looking for ways to reduce the need to play around bot lane in the early game, so the game doesn’t entirely revolve around winning Bot Lanes.

Next, we come to the Jungle role. Rio already expressed that the role is currently still overpowered. So, Riot is looking for ways to adjust the role further.

As for when we can expect the changes, Riot stated that they will start implementing the changes after Worlds 2023.

By Fahim Shahriar League of Legends Writer
Shahriar is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv. He enjoys playing Video Games, watching Anime, and browsing the internet for outdated memes.