Riot Shares Massive Dr. Mundo Changes for 2022

Fahim Shahriar
By Fahim Shahriar
3 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

Riot is planning massive buffs for Dr. Mundo to keep him aligned with the season 12 meta champions.

The Dr. Mundo VGU was in 2021, and Riot has plans to change his kit once again.

Dr. Mundo’s rework has not been as successful as Volibear and Fiddlesticks VGUs. The older reworks such as Volibear, Poopy, and Fiddlesticks have solidified their spots in the meta, but Dr. Mundo fails to make an impact in the current meta.

Top lane Dr. Mundo has around a 51 percent win rate in lower Elo. As you climb up the ladder, Dr. Mundo’s win rate drops significantly. He struggles in the lane vs. ranged matchups and isn’t well equipped to deal with drain tanks like Aatrox. He also doesn’t have enough sustain to survive most matchups. Jungle Mundo seems to be doing quite poorly as he had a 48 percent win rate last patch.

Currently, Dr. Mundo is more of a mid-game champion. His early game is weak, and his late game isn’t what fans hope how it should be. He isn’t fulfilling the fantasy of a late-game “Unkillable” tank. So, Riot is planning to buff his early-game sustain and late-game damage.

Read More: League of Legends Patch 12.15 Notes: New Changes, Release Date, and More

Mundo Adjustments

The changes were posted on Riot Twin Enso’s Twitter, stating that the changes are not guaranteed to ship.

  • Goes Where he Pleases (P)
    • Lose 7% current health, gain 8% max health –> Lose 3% current health, gain 4% max health
    • Max health regen: 0.8-1.6% max health per 5 seconds (linear progression) –> 0.5-2.25% (non-linear progression queals at roughly level 11)
  • Heart Zapper (W)
    • Always receive half of your Gray health, regardless of the enemy hit
  • Blunt Force Trauma (E)
    • Bonus AD: 15/20/25/30/35 + 25/30/35/40/45 based on missing health –> 4% max Health
    • [REMOVED] Instantly kills small jungle monsters
    • Monster damage: 200% –> 250%
  • Maximum Dosage (R)
    • [Removed] Bonus AD
    • Missing Health as max health: 8/11.5/15% –> 15/20/25%

After the changes, Dr. Mundo will lose some of his AD early but will gain more AD as he builds health. His E passive, along with Titanic Hydra, will help him duel enemies late game. His health scaling and health regen are also going up late game. The W changes will help his lane sustain as you don’t need to hit an enemy to regen health. Mundo’s ultimate will also receive some healing buffs.

These are some good changes and fit well with his theme of being “Unkillable” late game.

Dr. Mundo Changes Release Date

The changes are not guaranteed to ship yet.

It should take about 2-3 weeks of testing in the PBE for the changes to be in the live servers.

By Fahim Shahriar League of Legends Writer
Shahriar is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv. He enjoys playing Video Games, watching Anime, and browsing the internet for outdated memes.