Reworked Volibear Skins Splash Arts and Wallpapers

Ali Ahmed Akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib
2 Min Read

A new Thundergod has arrived in the Summoner’s Rift with the new reworked Volibear.

Volibear won the vote for the next rework alongside Fiddlesticks, and today, Riot Games revealed the rework Volibear in one of the most terrifying ways possible. The new Thundergod was roaring so hard that it even caused the livestream to go off at some moments.

Riot Games never failed to impress players with their new rework reveal, and they did it again with reworked Volibear. Volibear’s kit is entirely changed in the rework, where his old ultimate is now his new passive. And with his new ultimate, Volibear will be a tower-diving monster in League of Legends.

As Volibear struck the Howling Abyss, there is now an exclusive emote if you play ARAM from now until May 12th.

Reworked Volibear Splash Arts

Classic Volibear

Classic Volibear
Image: Riot Games Via Surrender at 20

El Rayo Volibear

El Rayo Volibear
Image: Riot Games Via Surrender at 20

Captain Volibear

Captain Volibear
Image: Riot Games Via Surrender at 20

Thunder Lord Volibear

Thunder Lord Volibear
Image: Riot Games Via Surrender at 20

Runeguard Volibear

Runeguard Volibear
Image: Riot Games Via Surrender at 20

Northern Storm Volibear

Northern Storm Volibear
Image: Riot Games Via Surrender at 20

The Thousand Pierced Volibear

The Thousand Pierced Volibear
Image: Riot Games Via Surrender at 20
ali ahmed akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib Editor-in-chief
Ali Ahmed Akib is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-chief of GameRiv. Akib grew up playing MOBA titles, especially League of Legends and is currently managing the editorial team of GameRiv.