Riot is releasing ‘Mythic Chromas,’ which will be a superior version of chromas with recolored visual effects.
Chromas are a great addition to League of Legends. They provide a way to play with a different colored outfit for the champion’s base model or skins. Most chromas are just a simple recolor of the outfit and hair. Compared to creating an elaborate skin, making a bunch of chromas with different colors for that skin is a cakewalk.
For that reason, many new skins come with a set of chromas. Other than a color change, chromas usually don’t change anything else. Suppose a skin has blue-colored ability particles and visual effects. If it comes with a red chroma, you can change the outfit to red by using that. But your abilities and effects will still have the blue color of the original skin.
Despite taking minimal effort, Riot still charges a hefty 290 RP for each color of chroma on the shop. But you can buy the whole bundle for a slight discount. Also, during Essence Emporium, you can buy older chromas for blue essence. But to obtain chromas of the latest skins, you will have to pay with RP. Sometimes the whole set of chromas can cost more than the skin itself.
Now Riot is introducing a superior version of chromas named ‘Mythic Chromas.’
What Are Mythic Chromas
Riot DW Platypus, in charge of questions and answers in League of Legends skins, announced the arrival of Mythic Chromas on Reddit.
“These are elevated Chromas that apart from having new textures, the Skin will also have a much requested feature: Recolored Abilities’ VFX!” said DW Platypus.
Mythic Chromas will not have any other changes than some new textures and recolored VFX. Texture changes will also be minimal, similar to Ashen Knight Pyke Emberwoken Chroma. Also, Ashen Knight Pyke and Ashen Knight Pantheon’s Emberwoken chromas will be updated to have recolored VFX in the future as they are meant to be Mythic Chromas.
Riot also added Final Boss Veigar Mythic Chroma on PBE. It will feature blueish VFX compared to the green-colored VFX in the main skin. Here is a comparison for you to better understand the differences.
Mythic Chromas Price
Just like the Emberwoken chromas, Final Boss Veigar Mythic Chroma and all future Mythic Chromas will cost you 40 Mythic Essence. This is an excessive price for a recolored VFX, and the community didn’t take it well at all.
Skin Spotlights shared a calculation of the cost of the chroma on Twitter. For someone with no Mythic Essence saved up, you will need to spend 4220 RP to unlock a Blue version of the Final Boss Veigar and the skin.
The community didn’t take this positively at all, as chromas are excessively priced to begin with. And 40 ME just for a recolored VFX is very expensive. But then again, many players bought the Emberwoker chroma already without knowing it would have recolored VFX. So fans will spend money on something they like.
These changes are still on PBE; you can let your feedback be known on the Reddit thread. Depending on feedback, Riot might change the pricing. But it will be difficult as they already sold the Ashen Knight Pyke Chroma for 40 ME.