Rainbow Six Siege Y7S2 Mid-Season Roadmap Update: Major balancing change coming

Sadnan Nafis
By Sadnan Nafis
5 Min Read
Image: Ubisoft

Ubisoft has shared an updated Year 7 roadmap for Rainbow Six Siege, which features some important changes.

During the Year 7 reveal panel, the devs mentioned that they would modify and update the roadmap as the seasons progressed to adapt to the reality of developing a live game. And with the launch of Y7S2 Operation Vector Glare, the roadmap was already changed slightly, but now Ubisoft has shared another reformed look with the Siege community.

The changes include Ranked 2.0 and some features of the reputation system getting postponed to Y7S4. On the bright side, a new map is going to be added to the competitive map pool in Y7S3, alongside a massive balancing patch, which will include the addition of new Impact emp gadgets to the game.

Read the full Roadmap update:




  • Available Y7S3

Alongside the launch of this season, we let you know that the new map originally planned for Y7S3 would be pushed back to Y7S4. That being said, we wanted to share some good map-related news with you.

Next season, we’ll be adding a map to the competitive map pool. We’re not sharing any specifics quite yet, but what we can say is that it’s a map you’ve played before, it was part of an event, and you have never seen it in comp. What do you think it is?


  • Ranked 2.0 release shifting from Y7S3 to Y7S4
  • Restrictions on voice chat shifting from Y7S3 to Y7S4
  • Reputation Score display beta shifting from Y7S3 to Y7S4

We’ve mentioned it before, but sometimes, the reality of working on a live game means features have to be delayed in order to ensure they meet the quality standards you expect. This is one of those cases.

As Y7S3 approached, we realized Ranked 2.0 would benefit from a little more time, so we’ve made the difficult decision to push its release back by a season. This way, we can ensure that the revamp to Ranked that you get in Y7S4 is the strongest it can possibly be.

Similar to the above shift, we made the decision to delay two aspects of Reputation System from Y7S3 to Y7S4 in order to meet the demands of live game development. These include the restrictions on voice chat and Reputation Score display beta.

Keeping with the topic of Player Behavior’s upcoming features, we’re happy to report that the ability to submit cheat reports from match replays and restrictions on text chat remain on track and will release with Y7S3 as planned.


  • Available Y7S3

We previously mentioned that we’ve been actively investigating the imbalance of LMGs and Finka’s role in the meta and plan to deliver tweaks to them with Y7S3. This is still on track, and will come as part of a bigger update to Siege’s moment-to-moment balance than we typically release in a single season.

This is a big part of the reason why we made the decision to forego a mid-season balancing patch this season. The changes that will now come with Y7S3 interlock with one another in such a way that we feel the best way to experience and adapt to them is as a single package. One change that players can look forward to as part of this update is the addition of impact EMP grenades to some Operators’ loadouts.

We’re excited to share more soon, so stay tuned for the Y7S3 reveal for a full breakdown of the changes coming your way.

By Sadnan Nafis Senior FPS Writer
Sadnan Nafis is a Senior Esports Writer at GameRiv. Sadnan has a love-hate relationship with Rainbow Six Siege. He loves to keep himself updated with new tech videos and is always ready to help others.