Rainbow Six Siege to get FOV slider for console, improved sound for crouch walking, and more

Sadnan Nafis
By Sadnan Nafis
6 Min Read
Image: Ubisoft

Ubisoft is planning to bring the highly-anticipated FOV slider for consoles sometime during Y7S1 of Rainbow Six Siege.

In Rainbow Six Siege’s latest Top Issues blog, the devs have talked about the future of the game and what issues they are currently focusing on.

One of the major features that console players have been asking for is the FOV (Field of View) slider that already exists on PC. As increasing the view results in more objects to be rendered, it can have a big impact on performance, especially on older consoles. This is why the devs are thoroughly testing this feature to make sure it can deliver to its full potential. This setting got a release date of Y7S1 (not at launch).

Read the full top issues blog below: (Source Ubisoft)



We know that crouch running (normal movement speed while crouching) can sometimes lead to frustration in the hands of certain Operators, allowing them to arrive on the scene quickly and more discretely than others. Currently, we’re making some tweaks to the volume of crouch walking. We want crouch walking to be a viable option for all Operators, while ensuring that the action can be heard.

Status: Y7S2


In some cases the deployment progress bar may not perfectly align with the timing of the action itself, meaning that cancelling deployment in the last moment, can lead to a gadget still being placed. It’s crucial that this can be trusted in those high pressure moments, and so we’re reworking this to make it completely reliable.

Status: During Y7


During the course of Y6S4 we have seen a reduction in loadout resets occurring, however we’re aware that with the additional customisation of Elite 2.0, this issue has the potential to cause increased frustration. We continue to monitor and actively investigate this, as we work towards a definitive solution.

Status: Ongoing


Currently, managing your squad can be a cumbersome process, requiring players to create new squads if they’d like to remove players or change the squad leader. We’re working on options that will simplify this process, allowing players to be promoted to leader, or removed from the group.

Status: During Y7



Of course, good connectivity is key to having a good Siege experience. After an increase in connectivity issues resulting in disconnections was recently found, members of our team were dedicated to investigate and resolve the issue. As part of this, we knew that we needed to alleviate the chance of a wrongful sanction being handed out. To this end, we’ve updated our system to reduce the chance of a sanction being given in a case where it is not warranted. Our work on connectivity continues, and we’ll be providing updates on this as we make further improvements.

Cheating, Hacking & Toxicity


Cheating continues to be a top priority for us and adding the phone verification requirement for Ranked is just one of the actions that we’re currently taking to help with this. While this feature rolls out, we’re working on and exploring further solutions and improvements, and we’ll be sharing more on this subject as soon as we’re ready. To see our latest updates on Anti-cheat, dig into February’s Anti-Cheat Status Update and our Understanding Anti-Cheat Blog.


It’s important that streamers and players alike are able to protect themselves and are given the privacy options to do that. We recently started with a soft launch of the upcoming Privacy Mode, giving participants the opportunity to test out new features, provide feedback, and ultimately to help improve the overall experience. Once we’re satisfied that the updated Privacy Mode gives players the protection they need, we will move forward with a full release. Until then, work continues to ensure that the right options are included to help players have a safe and customisable experience.

Status: Targeting later in Y7S1


Our dedicated team continues to work on this project, evaluating and testing solutions to move forward with. It’s important to us that using spoofers do not provide an advantage for players, creating a level playing field for all. At the same time, we don’t want to exclude players who need these from an accessibility standpoint. It’s crucial that we take the right approach for our players, and we’ll be sharing more information once we’re confident with our solution.

Status: Ongoing

By Sadnan Nafis Senior FPS Writer
Sadnan Nafis is a Senior Esports Writer at GameRiv. Sadnan has a love-hate relationship with Rainbow Six Siege. He loves to keep himself updated with new tech videos and is always ready to help others.