Rainbow Six Siege Mozzie Guide: Best Loadout, Gadget, Tips, and more

Sadnan Nafis
By Sadnan Nafis
6 Min Read
Image: Ubisoft

Ubisoft’s tactical shooter Rainbow Six Siege has grown massively over the years. The game had reported over 75 million registered players back in July, and more players are still joining every day.

To make lives a litter easier for new players, we’ve prepared a guide on one of the most popular and powerful operators- Mozzie.

Mozzie was introduced to Rainbow Six Siege in Year 4 Season 1 with Operation Burnt Horizon. The Australian defender brought a special gadget that can slow down an attacking team from collecting intel by hacking down their drones. Here are some of the things you should know to get better utilization from this 2-Speed 2-Health Defender.

Mozzie Operator Guide

rainbow six siege mozzie loadout
Image: Ubisoft

Best Weapon Loadout

  • Primary Weapon: Commando 9 (AR), P10 Roni (SMG)
  • Secondary Weapon: SDP 9MM (Handgun)
  • Secondary Gadgets: Nitro Cell / Barbed Wire
  • Unique ability: Pest Launcher

Mozzie has two good options for his choice of primary weapon, the Commando 9 AR and the P10 Roni. The choice here can be pretty tricky, as the P10 does lower damage than the Commando 9, but its rate of fire is significantly higher, which is key in a one-shot headshot game like Siege. Combined with the 1.5x scope, the P10 Roni is overall our recommended choice.

However, with Patch Y6S3.3, the P10 Roni is getting nerfed where the vertical recoil is being increased and magazine capacity is being reduced from (19+1) to (15+1). So if you don’t wanna constantly reload or switch to your secondary weapon, then picking the Commando 9 will be a better idea. Additionally, the Commando 9 has a unique reload animation that just makes you look cooler.

Mozzie only has a single secondary weapon option, which is the SDP 9MM pistol. And taking gunfights with this pistol will put you at a disadvantage, so make sure to land your shots with the primary weapon.

Secondary Gadget

For his secondary gadget, Mozzie can pick either Nitro cells or Barbed wires. We will recommend you to bring the Nitro Cell, as it would allow you to C4 attackers from below, using intel from your drones.

Unique Ability

r6s Mozzie pest launcher
Credit: IGN and Ubisoft

Mozzie’s unique gadget is called the “Pest Launcher“, and these tiny 4-legged bots can hack enemy drones. The Pests work in two ways: actively and passively.

Active: You can take control of the drone by directly launching the Pest at the drone. However, your aim has to be accurate as the Pests won’t jump onto the drone within a small radius, which only works in passive mode.

Passive: Mozzie can also shoot the Pests on any surface, and then the gadget effectively works as a drone trap. In this mode, the gadget hijacks any attacker drones within a certain radius.

Because of this difference in use cases, Mozzie can be played in two ways. By directly hacking the enemy drones, you can use them to collect intel for the defending side. Mozzie has three of these pests, so he can take control of 3 attacker drones. Once hijacked, the entire defending team can spectate through the drones; however, only Mozzie can move them.

Another way you can play Mozzie is by denying intel for attackers. By passively placing the Pests on high traffic areas, you can prevent the opposing team from accessing certain areas. The attackers will see UI warning of nearby pre-placed bugs when close to their effective radius. Once hacked, the drone will emit blue light instead of the yellow light (attackers light).  

Should you pick Mozzie?

The unique Pests make Mozzie one of the strongest and creative operators on the defending side. Like Valkyrie, the strength of Mozzie can be fully utilised in the hands of an experienced player.

Using your game knowledge, think where the attackers are most likely to enter their drones and place your pests there accordingly.


(i) Make it difficult for the attackers to destroy Mozzie’s bugs, by placing them on top of drone holes, near stairways, and avoid placing them directly in front of the doorways.

(ii) Once hacked, place one of your drones on high traffic areas or locations, which will come in handy in the late rounds.

(iii) Pick Mute alongside Mozzie to double your intel-denying power, as a bonus you can easily hijack the mute-jammed drones.

(iv) (Tip for attackers) Drones, when not in use, does not emit any light. So to check whether it is a Mozzie-hacked drone or not, just Z-ping on it.

By Sadnan Nafis Senior FPS Writer
Sadnan Nafis is a Senior Esports Writer at GameRiv. Sadnan has a love-hate relationship with Rainbow Six Siege. He loves to keep himself updated with new tech videos and is always ready to help others.