Rainbow Six Siege: Best Graphics Settings

Sadnan Nafis
By Sadnan Nafis
10 Min Read
Image: Ubisoft

Ubisoft’s Rainbow Six Siege has changed a lot over the years. The game launched back in December of 2015, and it has gained immense popularity over the years with its intricate and complex gameplay.

While the game did not receive any major graphics overhaul, the overall lighting and texture incrementally improved throughout the years.

Most modern games, including Rainbow Six Siege, now adjust your settings automatically when you first launch the game. The default adjustments are made keeping in mind your PC components; however, they might not provide the most optimal performance. So tweaking the settings on your own is quite important to get the smoothest gameplay experience without sacrificing the important details needed to spot your enemies.

All the ‘Graphics’ and ‘Display’ options and customisability settings might seem a little overwhelming for some players. So, we have prepared a guide on what settings most Siege players should use to boost the FPS while keeping a clear image for visibility.

NOTE: Many of these settings are up to your personal preference, so feel free to change any settings you deem fit so that you are comfortable with your own display.

Here are the best Graphics settings for Rainbow Six Siege.

Display settings

R6S in-game screenshot
  • Monitor: Select your main monitor
    • If you have multiple monitors, make sure to select your primary gaming monitor.
  • Resolution: Native or (1920 x 1080)
  • Display Mode: Fullscreen
    • Running Siege in Fullscreen mode will allow your system only to render the game, thus improving your game’s overall performance. However, if you are having problems Alt-tabbing from the game then try the Windowed or Borderless options.
  • Refresh Rate: Select your monitor’s refresh rate
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:10
    • Aspect ratio is one of the personal preference option. As 16:9 monitors are mostly used for gaming around the world, it most probably will be your default setting. However, using a different ratio will stretch the image on your 16:9 monitor, making objects such as player models wider for better visibility. Try out the different aspect ratios to see which one you prefer, but we’ll suggest using 16:10 for a slightly stretched image while not looking very oddly stretched such as on 4:3.
  • VSync: Off
    • If your experiencing drastic FPS drops and image tearing then you could use VSync. However, turning on VSync will also increase your input lag, and in a competitive FPS game like Siege, where milliseconds can matter, you should definitely take every advantage you can get. So we’ll highly recommend turning VSync off.
  • FPS Limit: Off
    • Unless you are experience massive tearing or overheating issues while playing you should keep this setting turned off.
  • Widescreen Letterbox: Off
    • This extra setting just adds black bars on top and bottom of your screen to let you have a more cinematic experience while playing Siege. You should definitely disable this unless you are making a YouTube content or something similar.
  • Field of View: 90
    • In Siege the default Field of View (FOV) setting is set to 60, but Ubisoft allows players to increase the FOV slider to 90. As the name suggests, increasing this setting will increase your field of view in-game, allowing you to see more of your surroundings. Most pro players prefer keeping this setting at least above 80 (also depends on your aspect ratio). But, do keep in mind that you’ll also be rendering more frames when you increase your FOV, so if you have a weaker PC then you should consider lowering this setting.
  • HUD Display Area: 100
    • This is a new setting introduced in Year 6, which allows players to adjust the size of the overall HUD. Change this according to your choice, but most players should keep it at 100.
  • Menu Display Area: 100
    • Another personal preference setting that doesn’t affect gameplay. Unless the Menu size is bothering you, keep it at 100.

Related: Rainbow Six Siege getting permanent TDM mode and Attacker repick on the Test Server

Graphics settings

rainbow six siege y6s4 high calibre
Image: Ubisoft
  • Texture Quality: Very High
    • Most modern GPUs now have 3 GB or more VRAM so for better quality texture models, use High or Very High option depending on your hardware. Blurry textures will make it difficult to spot enemies at a distant, so to gain a competitive advantage you can turn the quality up and your frames will not take much of a hit.
  • Texture Filtering: Anisotropic 8x
    • The lowest ‘Linear’ setting can cause blurring of textures when when you look at specific objects in Siege from different angles. Using a higher setting such as 8x or 16x does not significantly reduce performance so we recommend using this. If you want to squeez out every frame then use the lowest setting.
  • LOD Quality: Ultra
    • LOD quality adjusts the distance that lower level of detail meshes start are used. Operator’s heads are one of these details, and keeping this setting at Low can remove important details around the head that can make aiming even harder. Thefore to get the best competitive edge select the ‘Ultra’ or ‘Very High’ setting.
  • Shading Quality: Low
    • Shading quality adjusts rendering’s visual fidelity by tweaking settings like skin subsurface scattering and lightning quality. This setting does not provide any noticeable difference on the image even when set to High, so we will suggest setting this to Low for higher frame rates.
  • Shadow Quality: Medium
    • To win a round of Siege, information is key. Enemy shadows can often give off their location when they are peeking a window or doorway. Using the low setting will turn off enemy shadows completely, eliminating that competitive advantage. So set this setting to at least medium to get the dynamic shadows.
  • Reflection Quality: Low
    • Reflection quality is another eye-candy setting that doesn’t offer any competitive edge. Change this to Low to get an easy FPS boost.
  • VFX Quality: Low
    • This is also an eye-candy setting and won’t provide any benefits regarding gameplay, so we will recommend keeping this to Low.
  • Ambient Occlusion: Off
    • Ambient occlusion can make your game look more realistic with deeper shadows and lighting. However, this setting will have a significant effect on the performance, and at the same time make spotting enemies more difficult, especially in dark places. We highly recommend you to turn this setting off.
  • Lens Effects: Off
    • Lens effects help Siege simulate real-world optical lenses by adding effects like blooming into the game. It is just a visual setting that will hog your processing power, so disabling it is the best option.
  • Zoom-in Depth of Field: Off
    • This setting blurs the edges of your scope when you aim down sight. It is another unnecessary visual setting that you can turn off.
  • Anti-Aliasing: Off
    • Anti-Aliasing can smooth out the edges of objects but is also very demanding. Turning it off will give you a sharp image while providing you with the best FPS, so it is the recommended option. However, if you don’t like the jagged edges, then T-AA (1x) with image sharpening might be an suitable option for you.
  • Adaptive Render Scaling Target FPS: 0
    • This setting will make the game change your render resolution scale on the fly to keep you running at that target framerate. We don’t recommend using this option as it can create a messy overall experience.
  • Render Scaling: 100
    • If you are using T-AA then you might consider reducing the render scaling by about 10% to increase your FPS.
  • T-AA Sharpness: 50
    • If using T-AA the image can get a bit blurry, so increase the sharpness according to your liking.

Keep in mind that in online matches you will get lower FPS than shown in the built-in benchmark. The game might also stutter due to connection issues, in that case, follow our troubleshooting methods.

Read More: Rainbow Six Siege: Best HUD Settings

By Sadnan Nafis Senior FPS Writer
Sadnan Nafis is a Senior Esports Writer at GameRiv. Sadnan has a love-hate relationship with Rainbow Six Siege. He loves to keep himself updated with new tech videos and is always ready to help others.