Rainbow Six Siege announces new Team Deathmatch map located in Greece

Sadnan Nafis
By Sadnan Nafis
2 Min Read
Image: Ubisoft

Ubisoft has confirmed that Rainbow Six Siege‘s new Team Deathmatch will be located in Greece.

As announced earlier during the Year 7 roadmap, Ubisoft plans to bring a new map in Rainbow Six Siege’s Year 7 Season 2. However, this map will be the first of its own kind, as the devs are finally introducing a Team Deathmatch-specific map only.

The teaser shows the top view of the map and the caption includes the phrase “Close Quarter”, which might suggest that the map will favor more close-range gunfights than the usual competitive maps. As it is a warmup playlist, it makes sense to allow players to take more gunfights, instead of running around a huge map.

From this one image, the map looks a lot similar to the Stadium maps that were introduced in the Road to SI events. The rooms should be less cluttered with items and the walls won’t allow skins to be mixed very easily with the background.

The new TDM map is located in Greece, and here the Tournament of Champions recently took place. So, Ubisoft might connect the lore with the introduction of this map.

YouTube video

Currently, the map pool of the TDM playlist includes Coastline, Emerald Plains, Theme Park, Villa, and Favela. Most likely, the new map will join this list instead of replacing them all, but we will have to wait for Ubisoft to confirm.

According to the roadmap, Siege’s Y7S2 will also bring the much-anticipated Shooting Range. The full season reveal will take place on May 22 before the Grand Final of Six Charlotte Major. You can watch the live stream on Twitch.tv/rainbow6.

By Sadnan Nafis Senior FPS Writer
Sadnan Nafis is a Senior Esports Writer at GameRiv. Sadnan has a love-hate relationship with Rainbow Six Siege. He loves to keep himself updated with new tech videos and is always ready to help others.